When was Wisconsin founded?
How many Universities are in Illinois?
Which groundbreaking 2007 device combined phone, music, and internet browsing?
How Deep is the Grand Canyon?
When did Lambeau Field Open?
When did the Blackhawks win their first Stanley Cup?
The Blackhawks first won a Stanley Cup in 1933-34.
Which animated superhero family fought against villains in a 2004 Pixar classic?
The Incredibles
What was the first national park in the United States?
Yellowstone National Park
How many 4-year UW Universities are there? (Hint: More than 10)
Neither, they have both won 3
What smartphone game, first released in 2009, involved slinging birds at pigs?
Angry Birds
In what state does the Elias National Park and Preserve reside? Hint: This is the largest national park in the US.
What two famous fires occurred in the great lakes region in 1871?
Peshtigo Fire and Great Chicago Fire
What Bears player was voted MVP during Super Bowl XX (1986)?
Richard Dent
What event in 2000 caused global panic over potential technological failures?
How many National Parks did Theodore Roosevelt establish?
Crater Lake National Park (Oregon)
Wind Cave National Park (South Dakota)
Sullys Hill National Game Preserve (North Dakota), Mesa Verde National Park (Colorado),
Platt National Park (Oklahoma),
Brewers (224-219)
At what baseball stadium is Ferris Bueller spotted during his titular romp though a "sick day" in the streets of Chicago?
Wrigley Field
What social networking site launched in 2004, initially exclusive to college students?
Which national parks bid to host the Olympic Games in 1932?
Yosemite National Park