What does under the weather
Feeling sick
What does "it's raining cats and dogs" mean?
It's raining very hard
What does "a leg up on the competition" mean?
Someone with an advantage
What does "to cover a lot of ground" mean?
To learn a lot
What does "a heart of gold" mean?
Someone who very kind and nice
What does "let the cat out of the bag" mean
Told a secret
What does "practice makes perfect" mean?
The more you do something the better you will get at it
What does "crack a book" mean?
to open a book to study
What does "to crank out a paper" mean?
To quickly write a paper
What does "whatever floats your boat" mean?
whatever makes you happy, what you like to do
What does "Throw in the towel" mean?
To give up
What does "monkey business" mean?
Fooling around, being silly
What does "to learn by heart" mean?
To memorize
What does " hit the books" mean?
To study hard
What does "bottomless pit" mean?
You are always hungry, you can just keep eating
What does "it will cost me an arm and a leg" mean
Very expensive
What does "two peas in a pod" mean?
People who enjoy similar things
What is a "bookworm" mean?
Someone who loves to read.
What does "draw a blank" mean?
to get no response when you ask a question
What does "couch potato" mean?
Someone who lays around
What does "piece of cake" mean?
Very easy
What does "break a leg" mean?
To do a great job, have good luck
What does "to brainstorm" mean?
To think of lots of ideas
What does "pull your leg" mean?
to tease, kid someone
What does "your eyes are bigger than your stomach" mean?
Someone who takes too much food, more food than they can eat.