The ruler of Egypt is known as what.
Why were the pyramids built?
Tombs for the pharaohs.
This machine which used a counterweight to move water easy is called what?
The waterfalls that were found along the Nile River that created trade barriers, but also helped to mix up the minerals for fertile soil were known as what?
Which groups made up the largest class in Egyptian Social Pyramid?
Farmers and unskilled workers/slaves
If a person has all authority and makes all decisions within the government, this would be an example of a person having what?
Absolute power
The pyramids were built in what kingdom era of Egypt?
The Old Kingdom
The Egyptian writing used mainly for religious and government documents is called?
This is the name of the sea that the Nile river flows into.(the Mouth)
A series of rulers from the same family is known as?
Pharaohs were considered to be this?
Who did the majority of the work on the building of the pyramids?
Citizens/skilled laborers
Why were bodies mummified?
So they would be preserved for the next life.
What is the name of the sea that separates Africa and Asia?
Red Sea
The mountains and highlands in Ancient Egypt were found where?
upper Egypt
She was the first women ruler of significance and was considered to be a great pharaoh, leading Egypt into a prosperous time in their history.
Pyramids were continually getting robbed, so most pharaohs were buried where?
Valley of the Kings
This artifact is the reason that we are able to interpret hieroglyphics.
Rosetta Stone
The end of the Nile river that fans out and has fertile farmland is known as what?
Nile delta
The Nile river floods benefited Egyptians how?
The floods left behind rich silt for farming
Who was responsible for collecting taxes, acting as judges, and advising the pharaohs?
Government officials/Vizier
The first burial places that pre-date the pyramids and were made of mud bricks are called what?
How did ancient Egyptian settlements benefit from being surrounded by desert?
Offered protection from invaders.
The source (start) of the Nile River is what?
Lake Victoria
This was the first capital of Egypt.