What was the first miracle Moses performed in front of Pharoah
God turned his rod into a snake
What was the name of Moses' brother
What was the food that God rained down for the Israelites
The place of Jesus' first miracle
Why did Nadab and Abihu died and how did they die?
They offered to the Lord strange fire and the Lord consumed them with flames.
What was the final affliction that caused Pharaoh to let the Israelites go?
The death of the firstborn
What was the name of Moses' sister?
When the Israelites were complaining for meat, what did the Lord provide for them to eat?
How old was Jesus when he was crucified
33 years old
Why did Miriam get leprosy?
Because she was jealous of Moses and spoke against him marrying an Ethiopian woman.
How long did the Egyptians stay in darkness?
Three days
What was Moses' father-in-law's name?
What would happen if a person took more manna than they should have taken?
The excess manna that they took would spoil
The man who saw Jesus at night
What did Balak want Balaam to do for him?
What did you have to spread on your doorframe so that your firstborn did not die?
The blood of a spotless lamb
Whose bones did the Israelites carry with them out of the land of Egypt?
Joseph's bones
The Israelites begged for water once again at Meribah and the Lord instructed him to speak to a rock and water will come forth. What did Moses do instead?
He hit the rock two times with his rod
What miracle did Jesus work when he and Peter needed to pay tax
Peter caught a fish and a coin was in it's mouth
Where did Moses go to die?
Mount Nebo
What happened when Moses took some ashes and threw it into the air?
God cursed the Egyptians and their beasts to have boils on their skin
Did Moses have any kids? and if so how many?
Yes, he had 2 boys
What was the put in the water at Marah to make it sweet?
The Lord showed Moses a tree to put into the waters to make it sweet
What book and chapter said this, "Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you."?
By his rash act Moses took away the force of
the lesson that God purposed to teach. The rock,
being a symbol of Christ, had been once smitten,
as Christ was to be once offered. The second
time it was needful only to speak to the rock, as
we have only to ask for blessings in the name of
Jesus. By the second smiting of the rock the
significance of this beautiful figure of Christ was
destroyed. PP 418