This river was essential to the survival and development of ancient Egyptian civilization.
What is the Nile River?
Who is Ra?
Ancient Egyptians built these structures as tombs for pharaohs.
What are the pyramids?
This term describes the family members who ruled Egypt for long periods of time.
What is a dynasty?
The Egyptians traded with other civilizations using this river as a major transportation route.
What is the Nile River?
This energy system provides the body with quick bursts of energy lasting up to 10 seconds and relies on stored ATP and phosphocreatine rather than oxygen.
What is the phosphagen system (ATP-PC system)?
This vast desert acted as a natural barrier, protecting Egypt from invaders.
What is the Sahara Desert?
This process preserved the bodies of the dead for the afterlife.
What is mummification?
Ancient Egyptians developed this early form of picture writing.
What are hieroglyphics?
Unlike most workers, scribes in ancient Egypt held this unique ability.
What is the ability to read and write?
Farmers in ancient Egypt paid their taxes using this form of currency.
What is grain?
The force exerted by muscles without movement, such as when holding a plank position, is classified under this specific type of strength.
What is isometric strength?
Ancient Egyptians relied on this technique to bring water from the Nile to their crops.
What is irrigation?
According to Egyptian beliefs, a person's heart had to be lighter than this object to enter the afterlife.
What is the Feather of Truth?
The Egyptians invented this simple machine to lift water for irrigation.
What is a shaduf?
This female pharaoh expanded trade and was one of the few women to rule Egypt.
Who is Hatshepsut?
This was the largest group of people in Egyptian society, responsible for growing crops and laboring on projects.
Who are farmers and laborers?
In biomechanics, the formula for power output is force times velocity. If a sprinter exerts 800 Newtons of force and their velocity is 10 meters per second, what is their power output in watts?
What is 8,000 watts?
The Nile River flows into this major body of water.
What is the Mediterranean Sea?
Egyptians believed this jackal-headed god weighed their hearts in the afterlife.
Who is Anubis?
The study of the human body for mummification helped Egyptians make advancements in this field.
What is medicine?
This group of skilled workers, including builders and artists, constructed the pyramids.
Who are the artisans?
Pharaohs controlled trade with other civilizations, ensuring Egypt had access to valuable resources like this.
What is gold?
This joint movement occurs when the angle between two bones increases, such as when straightening the knee after a squat.
What is extension?
Nearly all ancient Egyptian cities were built within this distance of the Nile River.
What is less than 1 mile?
Egyptians believed their pharaohs became this specific god after death.
Who is Osiris?
The Great Pyramid of Giza was built to honor this pharaoh.
Who is Khufu?
This high-ranking government official advised the pharaoh and helped oversee government affairs.
Who is the vizier?
Egypt’s wealth was tied to its trade relationships with these two neighboring civilizations.
What are Punt and Mesopotamia?
During exercise, this protein found in muscle cells binds to oxygen and stores it temporarily for use in aerobic respiration.
What is myoglobin?
This triangular area of fertile land, created by the Nile River before it empties into the Mediterranean Sea, was home to some of Egypt’s most important cities.
What is the Nile Delta?
This concept in Egyptian religion represented truth, balance, and order, and was what the gods expected people to follow in life and judgment in the afterlife.
What is Ma’at?
This ancient Egyptian invention, made from crushed reeds, was one of the earliest forms of writing material and was used instead of clay tablets.
What is papyrus?
These two staff-like instruments represented the dual natures of the pharaoh's power, kindness and cruelty.
What are the crook and flail?
Egypt traded for this rare blue stone, which came from what is now Afghanistan, and used it in jewelry and decorations for pharaohs' tombs.
What is lapis lazuli?
According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This principle explains why a basketball bounces back when dribbled. If a ball with a mass of 0.6 kg is dropped from 2 meters and hits the ground with a velocity of 6.3 m/s, calculate the force exerted on the ball if the collision time is 0.02 seconds.
What is 189 Newtons?