What does the Pharoah do?
He rules over everyone.
Why was King Tut famous?
He had the only intact tomb, many genetic disorders, and restored polytheism.
Who was Ra?
He was the god of the sun and the creator and ancestor of all gods.
Who made the laws?
The pharaoh.
Who were the nobles?
They were rich, literate, government people.
Who was Hatshepsut?
She was the Aunt of Ramses II and ruled in his place as the first female pharaoh and regent.
Who was Osrirs?
He was the King of the Underworld and the god of agriculture.
How did Egyptians show religion in their daily lives?
They threw festivals, parades, and rituals.
Who were the scribes and craftsmen?
They were smart, skilled workers, and were the academics of Egypt.
Who was Ramses II?
He was a self-proclaimed "him", he attempted to erase his aunt, Hatshepsut, from history, one of the longest-lasting pharaohs and, a military leader.
Who was Horus?
Horus was the falcon-headed god and the god of the sky.
How were pharaohs chosen?
They were chosen by bloodline.
What did the vizier do?
He advised the Pharoah and was second in command.
Who was Thutmose III?
Hew was one of the longest lasting pharaohs and a great military leader.
Who was Isis?
Isis was the wife of Osiris and the Goddess of healing and magic.
What type of government did Egypt have and when was it invented?
A centralized government/one leader and the old kingdom.
How was their government shaped?
It was based on religion and/or bureaucracy.
They were chosen by bloodline?
Who was Ma'at?
She was the Goddess of law, order, justice, and balance.
What were their laws based on?
They were based on Ma'at.