Name the term used for: A dispensation to ignore or deviate from certain regulatory requirements as described in MN Rule 4626.1690 – 4626.1715 and as provided for in MN Statues 14.05 subd 4.
Variance from Code
(order) to be taken using active verbs, such as: discontinue, repair, replace, provide, install, etc.
Corrective Action
Inspection that focuses on Active Managerial Control of Foodborne Illness Risk Factors and Food Code Interventions:
Risk-Based Inspection
Procedure for when we receive a request for any EH data
Follow the Hennepin County Open Government protocol and share Hennepin County’s online data request portal: HENNEPIN COUNTY MINNESOTA DATA REQUEST PORTAL (
Hennepin county issues the greatest number of variances for this type of food establishment.
What is a Micro Market.
Name the HACCP inspection types that area inspectors are responsible for.
Area inspectors are responsible for ROP, Sushi/Additives, and fermentation specialized processes.
risk control plan
Food Code Interventions/Controls:
Environmental Health works to ensure a safe everyday life and a healthy environment for all people by investigating, educating, and enforcing public health laws.
Environmental Health "Mission"
Hennepin County approves variances for these programs?
What is food, lodging, and youth camps.
If there is a failure at a critical control point (CCP), _____ shall be implemented.
Corrective Action
Serving all people in Hennepin County by protecting our health, our environments and fostering safer health and racial equity in our community. We envision a team that works effectively to ensure a safe and healthy community.
Environmental Health "Vision"
If conditions of variance are not met, inspector documents observations, cites violation and requires immediate on-site _____________.
Corrective Action
____________ a written document that delineates the formal procedures for following the hazard analysis and critical control point principles developed by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods where required by the MN Food Code (MN Rules chapter 4626) in a Retail Food Establishment.
Juice packaged in a food establishment must be treated under a HACCP plan as specified in parts 4626.1730 to 4626.1735 to attain a __________, which is equal to a 99.999 percent reduction, of the most resistant microorganism of public health significance. (Or, be labeled according to 4626.0367)
5-log reduction