What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
Employee must comply to which standards?
What is OSHA Standards
What does OSHA stand for?
What is Occupational Safety Health Act
What does MSDS stand for?
What is Material Safety Data Sheet
True or False: Gloves are types of PPE?
Who should employees report unsafe conditions to first?
What are the 3 rights of workers?
What is AED stand for?
Issue workplace and safety regulation
Who is OHSA
What document should be filled out after a workplace incident?
What is incident report
What is to promote work safety and protect workers rights
What is First Aid and Near Miss
All prescription eyewear used on job site are required this add on?
What could happen to a company if it fails to comply with OSHA?
What are penalties and fines
Handrails/caution/wet signs safety harness prevents?
What is Slip, Trip and Falls
True or False: Even if the incident is minor should you still report?
Exposure to noises above this level for extended amount of time that is consider dangerous?
What is 85 decible
What is one of the steps in the incident report process?
What is identifying the cause of the incident or implement corrective actions
OSHA inspections are usually done at this time
When is anytime
How often should you inspect your PPE to ensure it’s in good condition and functioning properly?
What is before each use