What do you do when you get a warning?
Don't respond, correct your behavior
What is the EHS uniform?
White collar shirt, khaki pants, black or brown shoes and an EHS sweatshirt.
What is the sports and gym dress code?
EHS gym uniform and running sneakers.
What is the rule about water bottles?
Only EHS water bottles are allowed
How should you behave in the virtual classrooms on Zoom?
The same as if you were in school. Same expectations apply.
What happens when you get a second warning?
Don't respond, correct your behavior
How should boys and girls have their hairs
Girls should have their hair in ponytails and boys should have short hair.
What are the sports teams at EHS?
Lacrosse, soccer, wrestling
True or False? We eat meat.
False. We eat nutritious vegetarian meals every day.
Your camera should be on and you should be on mute. Cameras should not be turned off during the meeting.
What happens when you get a third warning?
You will write a behavior journal. If your behavior does not improve, you will be removed from class.
How should you be dressed when you enter the school?
Full uniform, no hats, no hoods, all electronics should be put away in your bag.
Why is it important to have sports?
It keeps us healthy and focused. Sports are just as important as class.
Where are we having lunch this fall?
We are eating lunch out in the backyard with our teams.
What is the rule about communication during Zoom?
Greetings and farewell are always required! When entering a Zoom meeting, writing a text message, or sending an email, students are required to greet their teachers. When leaving a Zoom meeting, students should say goodbye. Communication is key!
How should you behave in class?
Silence, respect, awareness, participation
What is the gym uniform of the school?
It is EHS shorts or sweats and a EHS t-shirt.
When and where are we having sports this year?
We are having sports in Randall's island from 1-3pm
What is lunch being served in now?
We get our meals in lunchboxes in the backyard!
At what times should you text or call your teachers if you have a question?
During normal school hours. Students should not text before 8am or after 5pm.
Where and why do you get demerits?
Demerits are given outside of the classroom for talking, lateness, dress code, food.
During the school year, what happens with jewelry?
Necklaces must be tucked in
Bracelets should not be worn
What class are we having outside this year?
We are having Drama class outside
Who is our chef and his assistant?
Chef Jonah and Ms. Rosa
Do you still get warnings on zoom?
Yes, you will still get warnings on zoom!