When was the first time beloved Prophet (S) appointed Imam Ali (S) as his successor?
a. In Dawat Dhul Ashira
b. In Meraaj
c. In Ghadir
a. In Dawat Dhul Ashira
Where was the location of Event of Ghadir?
(name of town, country)
Johfa, is a town between Meccah and Medinah. Hijaz, current Saudi Arabia where the event of Ghadir happened.
"Man Kuntu Mawla Fahaaza Aliun Mawla". Who said those words?
Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S).
Who gave the Sermon in Ghadir? How long was that (approx.) ? What kind of weather was that day?
Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S) gave the Sermon in Ghadir. It was approximately five hours long. It was a hot summer day.
"Know that the seal of the leaders from among us shall be the ___________________. He shall, most certainly, prevail over (all) religious (methods of life). He shall definitely be the avenger against the oppressors. "
Complete the sentence in the sermon of beloved Prophet (S).
........Qa’im, the Mahdi.
When was the last time beloved Prophet (S) appointed Imam Ali (S) as his successor?
a. In Dawat Dhul Ashira
b. In Meraaj
c. In Ghadir
c. In Ghadir
What was the year and date of Eid al Ghadir?
Bonus points: AD (Christian) calendar date and month.
18th Dhul Hijjah, 10th year after Hijrah (10 AH)
Bonus: (March 15th 632 AD)
"Man Kuntu Mawla Fahaaza Aliun Mawla". When was these words uttered by beloved Prophet (S)?
On the Day of Ghadir, 18th Dhul Hijjah 10 AH.
“The last obligatory duty that Allah Sent down (upon beloved Prophet) was Al-Wilaya (adherence to the guardian assigned by Allah). Then, He Sent down the verse: ‘Today, I completed your religion…(5:3)’ once the Messenger of Allah established it in Juhfa area.”
Who said those words?
Imam Muhammad al Baqir (A), our 5th Imam.
Who shall bring out (people’s share) from (his) deep ocean (of knowledge and divine resources)?
Imam al Mahdi (atfs).
How did Imam Ali (a) fulfilled his promise as a successor in the life of beloved Prophet (S)?
Imam Ali (a) fulfilled his promise as a successor in the life of beloved Prophet (S) by always being by his side, never questioned his judgments and by protecting him from enemies of Islam.
Where is the Ayah of Ghadir located in Holy Quran?
Chapter name.
"Today I Have Perfected the Religion for you....."
Surah al Maidah.
"Man Kuntu Mawla Fahaaza Aliun Mawla". What is the name of this Hadith?
a. Hadith of Ghadir
b. Hadith of Mawla or Wilayat
c. Both of the above are correct
c. Both of the above are correct (Hadith of Ghadir and Mawla)
O people! This is the last stand I make in this gathering; Thus, listen, obey, and submit to the command of your Lord, for Allah, the Mighty and Majestic, Is your master, then [His Messenger], Muhammad, who is now addressing you, is your master.
Then, after me, Ali is your master and your leader by the command of Allah, your Lord. Then, leadership shall be in my progeny, within his offspring, until the Day you meet Allah and His Messenger.
Until what time Imam Ali (A) and his offspring will be the leader and guardian for the nation?
Imam Ali (A) and his offspring will be the leader and guardian for the nation until the Day of Judgment (we meet Allah swt and His messenger).
"Behold! He is the elite of Allah, and Allah Is his _____________. He shall be the heir of every knowledge, and the one who shall encompass [every perception]."
Complete the sentence.
a. appointer
b. lover
c. seeker
Say the complete Kalimah of Islam that mentions the successorship of Imam Ali (A) in it.
Complete the Ayah.
“O Messenger! Deliver what has been revealed to you from your Lord; and if you do it not, then you have not _________________ and Allah will protect you from the people; surely Allah will not guide the unbelieving people.” [Surah al-Ma`idah 5:67]
......delivered His message,........
Who made this statement and Dua?
"Whosoever I am his guardian (authority, master), this Ali is his guardian (authority, master). O Allah love him who loves Ali, be the enemy who is the enemy of him, help him who helps him, forsake him who forsakes him."
Prophet Muhammad (S)
O people! There is no knowledge except that Allah has Kept its account in me (in my heart),
and I have recorded the details of all the knowledge that I was taught,
in (the heart of) the leader of the pious, (Ali (‘a).
Certainly, there is no knowledge except that I have taught it to Ali,
and he is the evident Imam [whom Allah mentions in the Chapter of ______________:
وَ كُلَّ شَيءٍ أَحْصَيْناهُ في إِمامٍ مُبينٍ.
Which chapter of Quran was mentioned by beloved Prophet (S)?
Chapter-Surah Yasin.
As per beloved Prophet (S), who have given the glad tidings of Imam al Mahdi (atfs)?
"Behold! All former (prophets) have given the glad tidings of him."
All the former Prophets.
"Wasiyu Rasulillah, Wa Khalifatuhu Bila Fasl"
What does it mean?
a. Imam Ali is the successor of Allah and without any gap messenger of Prophet.
b. Imam Ali is the successor of Prophet of Allah and without any gap is his successor.
c. Imam Ali is the successor of Allah and without any gap messenger of Allah.
b. Imam Ali is the successor of Prophet of Allah and without any gap is his successor.
“This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion.” [Surah al-Ma`idah 5:3]
Which day Allah swt is referring to in the above Ayah as per the explanation of Imam Baqir (A)?
The Day of Ghadir.
What does Mawla mean in the Hadith of Mawla (WILAYAT)?
Guardian (authority, master).
O people! [Indeed, I am leaving amongst you two weighty and precious things that if you adhere to both, you will never go astray]. Verily, Ali and the pure ones among my offspring are the lesser weight, and the Qur’an is the greater weight.
Each one [of the two] informs about the other and agrees with it. They shall never part until they return to me at the Pool (of Al-Kawthar on the Day of Judgement). Behold! They (the Ahl Al-Bayt (‘a) are the trustees of Allah amongst His creation, and His people of wisdom on His earth.”
I speak by the authority of Allah. The word with me shall not be changed. Indeed, I have now fulfilled (my duty). Indeed, I have now conveyed (the Message). it is not permissible to call anyone other than him with the title of 'the Commander of the Believers' after my departure.
1-Mention the two weighty things in the statement.
2- Who shall be called 'the Commander of the Believers' after Prophet (S)'s departure?
1- Holy Quran and Holy Ahlul Bayt (A)
2- Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (A)
Bonus: Amiral Mominin -Arabic title-('the Commander of the Believers')
a. Who shall be the remaining proof and authorized representative of Allah on His earth?
b. Can anyone overcome him?
"Know that he shall be the remaining proof (of Allah), None, indeed, shall overcome him, and none shall be supported against him. He shall be the authorized representative of Allah on His earth....."
a. Imam al Mahdi atfs
b. None shall overcome him.