The War of Armageddon has Begun
How to Eat to Live
Supreme Wisdom
The Mother Plane
General Knowledge

This is why there must be a war to end all wars...

What is because Satan was given 6,000 years to do his work and his time is up. 


While this half cooked bread is common breakfast food, it should never be eaten... 

What are hot cakes (pancakes)? (Book 2, p. 90)


This is the total area of land and water of the planet Earth...

What is 196,940,000


*Triple Jeopardy*

The Wheel was built on this island...

What is Nippon, which is now called Japan?


*Triple Jeopardy*

The earth is not 6000 years old as many have been made to believe. It is actually more than this many years old... 

What is six trillion? 


Most of the preachers don't talk about this...

What is The War of Armageddon? 


Our eating the proper food and drinks at the proper time would extend our lives to this...

What is 140 years? (Book 1, p. 53)


This is the weight of the Earth...

What is six sextillion tons- (a unit followed by 21 ciphers) 


There are 1,500 small wheels in the Mother Wheel. Each one of these small wheels carry this many bombs, with a total of this many bombs all together...

What is 3 bombs on each plane and a total of 4,500 all together? 


The human body is made of water, chemicals, stone, metals, air and this...

What is vegetation? 


*Double Jeopardy*

This is the most necessary ingredient for our salvation...

What is truth? 


Fasting destroys the accumulation of this... 

What is food poison? (Book 1, p. 53)


The Earth is this many miles away from the sun...

What is 93,000,000?


The bombs these planes have are timed to go one mile down and bring up a mountain one mile high, destroying everything within...

What is a 50 square mile radius? 


Without using a calculator, 19 times 19 is... 

What is 361?


John 8:32 says, And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. 

And this is what we need to be set free from...

What is sin? 

"Well you need to be set free from the bondage of sin that has gripped the children of Abraham..."


All food should be cooked except this...

What is fruit? (Book 1, p. 51)


This is the Duty of a civilized person...

What is to teach the uncivilized people, who are savage - civilization (righteousness, the knowledge of himself, the science of everything in life- love peace and happiness)? 


The Honorable Elijah Muhammad said that Mother Plane is so powerful that with sound reverberating in the atmosphere, just with a sound, she can...

What is crumble buildings?


General order number 8 is...    

In case of disorder, to give the Alarm. 


This is the greatest thing in the universe... 

What is the truth? 


*Double Jeopardy*

We have been taught what to eat and what to drink by a people (the white race) who has never obeyed this...

What is the law or religion of Allah (God) (Book 1 p. 52) 


If a civilized person does not perform his Duty, this must be done...

What is if a civilized person does not perform his Duty, which is Teaching civilization to others, they should be punished with a severe punishment. (Ezekiel - Chapter 3, 18th verse; St. Luke - Chapter 12, 47th verse). 


*Double Jeopardy* 

The Mother Plane is built like...

What is the universe, spheres within spheres. 


On Saturday June 24th at 2014 Pike Ave, this is happening...

What is Sister April and Brother Bilal are getting married? 
