Character known as McSteamy
Mark Sloan
In which season do Jake and Amy get married
Season 5
We first see the Dundees in Season 2 episode 1, where does Michael hold this event?
What was the team logo for Winstons Latvian bball team
A Single Fig
What was the first medical term you taught me
Vistobular Cohclear Nerve
Captain Cobalt
Richard Webbert
According to Boyle which food is the international language if friendship
Finish the line : Bears. Beats. ___
Battlestar Galactica
Name the fish that reminds Schmidt of Cece
How many medical terms did you teach me
This couple got posted note married in season 5, but made it official in season 7
Meredith and Derek
From which country did Charles adopt his son
Name the character that Jim plays for Michaels movie: Threat Level Midnight
Golden Face
What is the theme for Schmidts relaunching
What was the first gift you opened that I gave you in December
The black sweater!
What type of surgery was Baileys first solo surgery
What kind of fruit does Jake try to taste
What is the title of the comic book that Pam makes for Jim
The adventures of Jimmy Halpert
Schmidt and Nick throw a party to celebrate their 10 yr anniversary of living together. Jess points out an element whose symbol has the first letter of their names in the element. What is that element
What was the first meal we ate together
Chik fil A
What type of surgery did Danny Duquette undergo just before his passing
Heart Surgery
What is the DDC
Dope Denim Crew
In the season 1 basketball game in the warehouse, what are the stakes?
Loser works on Saturday
How many shakes does Joe Napoli always want in his fridge
What was the second photoshop picture I ever made for you
Neha Mcqueen