(you/go) to the English academy today?
Are you going
I am (tall) my best friend.
taller than
The 12th month.
The score is 0 - 0. It´s a ____
(I/go) to the cinema last weekend.
I went
(We/eat) in a restaurant tonight for my birthday.
We´re eating
He is (fast) me.
faster than
The 2nd month.
I have a really comfortable ____ and warm ____ in my bed.
pillow / blanket
(You/go) to school last Friday?
Did you go
I hurt my leg so (I/play) in the football match.
I´m not playing
My dog is (beautiful) yours.
more beautiful than
Christmas Day
25th of December
I need a ____ to stop my trousers from falling.
(I / see) my grandparents the other day.
I saw
(They/study) for the maths exam tomorrow?
Are they studying
Jude is (good) my other teachers.
better than
The date today (in words).
The twelfth of June, two thousand and twenty three.
I´m going to ___ this puzzle.
(You / celebrate) your birthday last weekend? (I / do -) anything.
Did you celebrate...? I didn´t do...
I hate you! (I/talk) to you anymore.
I´m not talking
French is (bad) English.
worse than
Jude´s birthday
24th of September
I´m not very hungry so i´ll eat a ___ meal for dinner. Probably a salad.
(They / study) for the exam? No, (they / study) but (I / study) a lot.
Did they study...? No, they didn´t... I studied a lot.