What is the class number of your AB class?
When I am walking in the hallway during class time, I need a ______.
How many people can sit at one table?
True or False: I can sit on the sink in the bathroom.
When can I have outside food?
In a classroom if a teacher or principal gives you permission.
Who is your AB teacher?
Mrs. Ortega
My best friend and I are sharing my locker. She put something bad in my locker and Mrs. Denmark finds it. Who is getting in trouble?
You are.
After I dry my hands, my paper towel goes _________.
In the trash can.
What is the only thing you can drink at school?
Clear beverages (water or sparkling water)
What two things should I bring to class every day?
My locker is in C-Hall. My class is in D-Hall. I have plenty of time to go to my locker between each class. True or False?
I don't want to eat the food on my tray. What do I do with it?
Throw it away.
If I need to text someone, I can wait until after school. True or False?
What happens if I am caught with my phone?
First time, you can get it after school.
After that, parents have to get it every time.
Listen and follow the direction respectfully
True or False: It's okay if I am hanging out in the hallway after the second bell rings.
False. You are now tardy to class.
How many things can I get from snack cart?
2 and you must eat them in the cafeteria.
When I am done using the toilet, I _______ it.
What hallway is not for 6th grade students?
Arrive on time to class so you are not ______.
You go up the stairs on the ______.
When it is time for lunch, who walks you to the commons?
Your 5th period teacher.
What are the names of the two custodians?
Mr. Ron and Mr. Simon
What hallway is for only 6th grade students?