You can ___ scramble ___ boil the eggs.
either ... or
You can find the movie on ___ Netflix ___ Disney Plus.
either ... or
The store is open on Saturday and Sunday. You can go ___ day.
. "____ my friends and I are going to the concert tonight."
. "Both my friends and I are going to the concert tonight."
___ cake ___ ice cream can be found at birthday parties.
Both ... and
___ TV shows were great. I can't decide which is my favourite!
After a weekend camping in the mud, ___ the truck ___ trailer needed a car wash.
both ... and
"You can have ____ the blue shirt or the red one for the presentation."
"You can have either the blue shirt or the red one for the presentation."
___ chicken wings ___ lasagna are considered breakfast foods.
Neither ... nor
He wanted ___ a mullet ___ a buzzcut. He couldn't decide!
either ... or
"____ of my classmates showed up for the group project meeting."
"Neither of my classmates showed up for the group project meeting."
Iron Man is ___ a Western ___ a romance. It's an action movie.
Neither ... nor
I had to go to the post office, the corner store had ___ stamps ___ envelopes left in stock!
neither ... nor
"____ of the candidates received enough votes to win the election."
"Neither of the candidates received enough votes to win the election."