What is the HT Screening phone stop code?
What is the Primary Stop code for HT Tech Education?
What is the HT Intervention note stop code?
primary 686 secondary 684
What is the Monthly Monitor Note?
To be completed for patients to capture workload for daily review of HT data. Please see the HT Operations manual for more detailed instructions on how to properly use this encounter.
What is the definition of HT Assessment TX Plan note?
This document contains information about the visit with the patient/caregiver which includes the clinical assessment and the HT Plan of Care. Additional signature is requested by the Primary Care Provider (and others, including program staff, as appropriate).
Additional time needs to be allocated in DSS upon setup for this Clinic Location
What is the Note Title for HT Screening?
HT Screening Consult
What is the Note Title for HT Tech Education Note?
HT Tech Education Note
What is the Note title for HT Intervention note?
HT Intervention Note
What is the number of days a Veteran needs to be enrolled to complete an monthly note?
16 days
What is the note title and template paring for HT Assessment TX plan when completing admission?
Note title is HT Assessment Treatment Plan and template is HT Assessment Treatment Plan Template
What is the Template for HT Screening?
HT Screening Consult Template
What is the template for HT Tech Education?
HT Tech Education Template
What is the template for HT Intervention?
HT Intervention Template
What is the primary and secondary stop codes for HT Monthly Monitor note?
683 and 685
What clinic location can be used when complete HT Assessment Treatment Plan?
1. HT Assess TX Plan phone 686 685
2. HT Assess TX plan Home 118 685
3. HT Assess TX Plan OFC 685 685
4. HT Video Visit 685 179
What is the definition of HT Screening?
This consult document is used to document initial evaluation for enrollment WHETHER OR NOT the patient is actually enrolled.
NOTE: Use to close consult
What is the definition of HT Tech Education note?
This document contains patient education, skill validation and installation for technology on all HT patients.
What is an example of a intervention?
Any abnormal readings
What is the code for the HT Monthly Monitor Note?
What is the Note title and template paring for HT Periodic Evaluation Note?
Note title is HT Periodic Evaluation Note and Template is HT Periodic Evaluation Template.
What is the HT Screening Office stop code?
What is the HT Tech Education note used for?
NOTE: ALWAYS attached to the coding pair 674/685 (Non-Count)
Use as often as needed when re-educating the patient on technology, changing or troubleshooting technology or adding new peripheral devices.
Training/Education on technology only.
What is the definition of HT Intervention Note?
This progress note contains information about all interventions generated from symptoms, behavior and knowledge data gathered from daily monitoring by a non-video messaging device.
What is the note title and template for HT Monthly Monitor Note?
Note title is HT Monthly Monitor Note and Template is HT Monthly Monitor Template.
What is the Clinic location for HT Periodic Evaluation Note and HT Continuum of Care Note?
Clinic Location
1. HT Visit Phone
2. HT Visit HM