First one from the group to listen to el Arabic Hip/Hop Rap?
Alii ElAmir
Meen Teezo 7amra?
Abdelrahman El-Bialy
A7san ba7r fel sa7el?
Porto Golf
meen gabes reglo fih Dubai 20/21?
Bialy el 3'aby
meen fih gam3a fih North America?
Khodary, Barakat & Adel
Most Streamed song from Wegz on all platforms?
Dorak Gai
A7san wa7da fel kora fih masr?
Nadine Ghazi
La3bet el Sa7el 3al ba7r?
Spike Ball
What game did we play that brought 'Karate Bialy' to a whole new level?
A7san la3ba fih CES?
Four Squares
Continue The Song:
7al alzomour,
ba3’eeb ba’eeb,
bafo2 bashoof,
Paris Paris
Meen 3at fih Dubai 17/18?
Barakat el khawal!
Boxing Matches fel gouna?
Alii vs Khodary
Yehia vs Kareem
Bialy vs Barakat
Kan feen el hafla el halloween fih 2017?
Esm one of the business enterprises fih CES?
LEFTBAK or El-Stazinario
Top 3 Artists ranked of 2020 in Egypt on Spotify?
1- Wegz
2- Amr Diab
3- BTS
Kareem etkhane2 ma3 meen 3al field?
Sakaty wa Abdo Ali
Meen kan 3ayesh fel beit fih gouna 19/20?
Alii, Khodary, Yehia, Kareem, Zeyad, Khaled, Barakat, Hussein, Bialy, Muhannad, Adel, Nader
What was the very first name of our group called?
Meen men el shela fih AUC?
Muhannad, Bialy, Goofy, Adham,
Continue The Song:
lesa baseet lesa,
2oty kolaha karakeeb lesa,
mafeesh takeef lesa,
hamoot men el 3ara2 wa el talzee2 lesa
Date beta3 Graduation CES?
Which song did Alii ElAmir come out on during his boxing fight?
Black by Buddy
Awel mara ne2abel Adham kan fin any Hotel?
JW lel asaf
Meen kan el Head Student?
Fakhr el din el ragel