The phone number 307-223-1017 is used for this
What is getting in contact with Ashley - it's the E:KIDZ phone number?
This is the restroom that The Cabin students use.
What is the Volunteer Restroom in the E:KIDZ lobby?
These are collected in the back hallway as children and families exit the ministry.
What are child and parent tags?
These individuals are stationed at the E:KIDZ entry doors and in the back preschool hallway during service.
Who are the Safety Team?
This is where you should move children in the event of a tornado warning
What is the innermost wall of the classroom?
This is the time you need to arrive in Summit for our morning meeting.
What is either
8:30 / 10:30
30 minutes before service starts
These must stay open at all times.
What is the doors to the preschool bathrooms?
This is what you need to press in order to contact a service captain/staff member.
What is the orange safety button?
When picking up their children, parents MUST have this.
What is a matching parent tag?
This is the name of the app you should have downloaded on your phone to manage serving schedules and special events.
What is the Church Center app?
This is what you should do after the morning announcements once you get to your classroom
What is pray over the room, the kids you're about to receive, and each other?
Diapers, wipes, toy, and gloves(if desired) are what?
Every classroom contains this important item.
What is an emergency go-bag?
What is the number of volunteers that need to be in a room in order to accept children?
This is the longest a parent may stay in a classroom without being background checked.
What is five minutes?
This is something you should not bring into a classroom due to allergy concerns.
What is outside food?
The number of children one volunteer can take to the restroom at a time.
What is 2?
This needs to be completed anytime there is an illness or injury in any E:KIDZ classroom.
What is an Incident Report?
What are the items you need to grab in the event of a fire evacuation?
Emergency go-bag and tablet
This is when an E:KIDZ volunteer can give medication to a child
You must have one of these as a volunteer to enter the ministry.
What is a volunteer tag?
This is who is allowed to change diapers in the infant and toddler room.
Who are adult volunteers and parents?
What is the bottom of child's name tag?
These are the only people allowed to page a parent
Who are service captains or staff members?
Children over this age may not sit on the lap of any volunteer
What is 2 1/2?