What is the name of Alvin's girlfriend?
What is Ekin's last name?
What is Lily's preferred game mode in League of Legends?
What US State does Yefang live in?
Popular Streamer/Youtuber "Davemon" is known for playing what champion?
What is Alvin's highest mastery champion in League of Legends?
What clothing brand is Ekin known for wearing?
American Eagle
What is Lily studying in school?
Yefang bought the battle pass of what game in anticipation of the PVE game mode, of which never came out
Who made Dragon Ball?
Akira Toriyama
Call of Duty: Black Ops 3
4104 River Bend Rd
What is Lily's favorite soda?
Mountain Dew
Other than the Milwaukee location for Round 1, what other location has she been to?
Who won the first Super Bowl?
The Green Bay Packers
What is Alvin's highest CP Pokemon on Pokemon Go?
Other than the middle name of "Skye", what is the middle name of Ekin?
What is the name of Lily's cats?
Angel and Liza
What street does Yefang live on?
Table Mountain Blvd.
May 29, 1848
What Pokemon was Alvin's first shiny Pokemon?
Lunatone, Generation 5
In Ekin's Freshmen year at the DC Everest Jr. High School, Ekin brought his friend Alvin and Mortchee to Wisconsin Dells. All 3 of them bought matching glasses of what color?
What year did Lily post her current Facebook profile picture?
What is Yefang's phone number?
In the movie "Spider-Man: Miles Morales Across the Spider-Verse", Miles apologies for endorsing what product?
Baby Powder