Readiness & Motivation
Multiple Intelligences & Learning Profile
ELL & Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
Process-Based Learning & Response to Intervention
Classroom Management

Ability seems fixed but we should have a ________ mindset.

What is "growth" mindset?


The ________ learner thinks in images or pictures and are visual learners in the classroom.


What is spatial?


This is an example of NOT differentiating instruction for a student who is learning to speak English:

-Expecting students to adjust to the curriculum
-Meeting individual language and learning needs
-Allowing students access to information in various ways
-Offering a range of choices to express their understanding of the content

What is "Expecting students to adjust to the curriculum"? 


This is an active learning model that allows students to learn and hone problem-solving skills, develop academic content, and realize the relevance of applying learning for practical purposes.

What is problem-based learning?


This classroom environment encourages students to enter into a state of relaxed alertness that allows optimal learning: 

-Dysfunctional learning environment
-Adequate learning environment
-Orderly, restrictive learning environment
-Orderly, flexible learning environment

What is "orderly, flexible learning environment"?


The _________ is what we plan to teach and what we want the students to learn.

What is content?


Intelligences also relate to preferred approaches of processing and expressing ______________:

one's behavior

What is learning?


Research shows that English language learners attending schools in the United States speak more than this many languages. 


What is 400?


This type of differentiation would look like the following: (think of the 4 ways teachers differentiate)

Students completing a one-step problem math sheet rather than a two-step problem math sheet like the rest of the class

What is "changing the content for students"?


This would be the least likely to help form positive links with learners at the beginning of a school year:

-Learning students’ names, and their pronunciations, before the year begins, or very quickly after
-Using interest, learning-preference, and other surveys to learn about students as individuals
-Developing strict classroom rules before the school year begins
-Taking a few minutes in class for students to share their stories

What is "developing strict classroom rules before the school year begins"?


This is the strategy that teachers use to determine if materials are appropriate for a student's current reading skills.


What is "zone of zone of proximal development" (ZPD)?


Students that thrive when they are allowed to move are called ___________ learners.

What is bodily-kinesthetic?


This is the native language of the majority of English Language Learners.

What is Spanish?


This is the best description of tier 1 of RTI:

-High-quality, evidenced-based instruction for all
-The standard level of instruction average students
-Any work that takes place outside the traditional classroom setting
-Additional instruction taught with the assistance of paraprofessionals

What is "high-quality, evidenced-based instruction for all"?


This method is the least effective for assigning students to groups:

-Using a computer or SMART Board to project the groups
-Using a task chart
-Providing a list with group members’ names on it
-Verbally telling students which group they are in as they are getting their supplies ready

What is "verbally telling students which group they are in as they are getting their supplies ready"?


These are the two types of interest:

-Cognitive and situational
-Individual and situational
-Situational and emotional
-Individual and whole group

What are individual and situational interest?


This is what reacts differently when comparing the male brain to the female brain.

What is mathematical processing?


This is what ESL stands for.

What is "English as a Second Language"?


This example would NOT be a benefit of problem-based learning: 

-Motivates students to learn
-Allows students to study whatever they would like
-Activates prior knowledge
-Promotes long-term retention

What is "allows students to study whatever they would like"?


This strategy is least effective when students have a question for a teacher who is currently busy: 

-Have the students wait in their seats, quietly, with their hands raised until the teacher can get to them
-Encourage the students to ask each other for help
-Have an expert of the day for certain topics
-Have models, cue cards, or other visuals and guidance sources for the students to use

What is "have the students wait in their seats, quietly, with their hands raised until the teacher can get to them"?


This is what student interest increases in curriculum:


What is productivity?


This is the correct list of the multiple intelligences identified by Gardner:

linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, and mature

linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, and naturalist

linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and verbal

linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and science

What is linguistic, logical-mathematical, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, existential, and naturalist?


This is the stage in which English Learning Proficiency students choose to interact by pointing, gesturing, and nodding.

-Stage 4 - Intermediate Language Proficiency
-Stage 3- Speech Emergence
-Stage 1- The Silent Stage
-Stage 2- Early Production

What is -Stage 1- The Silent Stage?


"Teaching Capital” is the _______, _______, and _______ to be an “effective” teacher. 

-Knowledge, patience, and perseverance
-Skills, attitude, and confidence
-Knowledge, skills, and dispositions
-Skills, knowledge, and acceptance of students’ backgrounds  

What is knowledge, skills, and dispositions?


A teacher who aspires to create a differentiated classroom helps students understand why it matters and allows them to be part of the process for making the classroom efficient and _________ .


What is effective?
