Students will answer this type of question on both the Mid-Unit 3 and End of Unit 3 Assessments.
What is selected response?
This is the mentor literary text in Module 2, Unit 3.
What is Can You Survive the Wilderness?
This is how many lessons there are in Module 2, Unit 3.
What is 15?
This mammal has the most powerful bite.
What is a hippopotamus?
Students write this in part 2 of the Mid-Unit 3 Assessment.
What is a first draft introduction to their choose-your-own-adventure narrative?
Finish the Guiding Question: How do animals'...
What is ...bodies and behaviors help them survive?
These are 2 parts of a choose-your-own-adventure narrative that students will develop/establish in Lessons 3-5.
What are (name 2) a character profile, a problem, a resolution, and a conclusion?
This is the color of a polar bear's skin.
What is black?
The Mid-Unit 3 and End of Unit 3 Assessments center on standards in which 3 domains?
What are reading informational text, writing, and language?
In Module 2, Unit 3, students learn this big idea about writers.
What is writers use scientific knowledge and research to inform and entertain?
In lessons 9 through 13, students focus on doing this.
What is revising a narrative text?
This is the only big cat that doesn’t roar.
What is a cheetah?
In part 2 of the End of Unit 3 Assessment, students produce this.
What is the second choice conclusion for their choose-your-own-adventure narrative?
The number of standards that are explicitly taught and assessed in Module 3, Unit 3.
What is 13?
These are the 2 things that students do in Lesson 12.
What are drafting a conclusion and using transitional words/phrases?
This bird’s eye is bigger than its brain.
What is an ostrich?
In the second part of this assessment, students are required to plan and write.
What is the Mid-Unit 3 Assessment?
Students continue to learn about this topic in Module 2, Unit 3.
What are animal defense mechanisms?
In these 2 lessons, students engage in peer critique.
What are lessons 6 and 9?
This kind of turtle can’t retract into its shell.
What is a sea turtle?