What is the translation of Math en Espanol?
What is the proper conjugation for this sentence: Yo tiene muchas clases en mi horario.
Yo Tengo muchos classes en mi horario.
what does yo Tengo classe de mathimaticas en cuatro y trece
I have math class at 4:30
cuatro mas dos igual seis
what is the translation of historia
True or false, poder means "to do".
Explain how you tell someone "I get good grades" in Spanish
Saco buenas notas
write out this sentenced as a math question and answer it: diez por cinco igual ....
10 x 5 = 50
How do you say shop class or career program en Espanol.
clase de taller.
Is this conjugation correct? Tu quieres ir a la universidad.
Yes it is correct.
Translate the sentence to Spanish: Matthew has Geometry, Chemistry and his shop class on Monday Wednesday and Friday.
Matthew tiene geometria, quimica, y su clase de taler en Lunes, Miercoles, y Viernes.
These verbs in Spanish mean to do something and always have a pattern when you conjugate them.
AR verbs
Translate the following to English: aburrida, divertida, and fastidiosa
boring, fun and annoying.
what are all the correct ways hacer can be conjugated
translate and identify what is wrong with this sentence
Ellos van a clase de matemáticas en el próximo período
they go to math class in the next period
Trick question! There was nothing wrong with the sentence
How many Spanish speaking countries are there? Bonus points to the team that lists them all.
There are 21 countries.