1st Law
2nd/3rd Law
Falling Objects
Free Body Diagrams

True or false: An object with balanced forces must be at rest.

What is false?


The units used for acceleration.

What is meters/second/second?


The impulse that prevents you from flying out of the car in a car crash.

What is a seat belt?


A rightward moving car skids to a stop (with locked wheels).

What F grav down, F norm up?


The country and century Isaac Newton was born in.

What is England in the 1600's?


True or false: A moving object must have applied force in order to keep moving.

What is False?


The relationship between acceleration and net force?

What is directly proportional?

or a positive correlation and proportional.


The variable in the impulse equation that you can adjust by designing a parachute for your egg drop.

What is change in velocity?


A rope is used to lower a bucket downward into a well at a constant speed.

What is F grav down, F tens up?


These types of energy involve the motion of waves, electrons, atoms, molecules, substances, and objects.

What is Kinetic energy?


An example of balanced and unbalanced forces. (any correct example is fine)

What is Answers will vary?


The relationship between acceleration and mass?

What is inversely proportional?

or a negative correlation and proportional


The variable in the impulse equation that you can adjust by adding cushioning to your egg drop container.

What is time of impact?


A skydiver (with an unopened parachute) is falling downward at a constant speed.

What is F grav down, F air up?


These types of energy are stored and in position to be used.

What is potential energy?


Key term: resisting changes in your state of motion

What is Inertia?


The net force of an object moving down with a mass of 1200kg and an acceleration of 30m/s.

What is 36,000 N down?


A monkey drops a banana from the tree. The banana has a mass of 1 kg and has a maximum velocity of 14m/s. It hits the ground and has an impact time of 0.2 seconds. What is the net force applied by the ground to stop the banana?

What is 70 N?


A bundle of hay, attached to a truck by a rope, is moved across the dirt to the left at a constant speed. Ignore Air resistance.

What is F grav down, F norm up, F tens left, F frict right?


Jacks kicks a soccer ball straight up. The ball has an applied force of 242 Newtons and a gravitational force of 123 Newtons when kicked. What is the net force of the ball?

What is 119 N up?


Newton's 1st law

What is "An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force."


The acceleration of an object with a mass of 20kg and a net force of 100 N left.

What is 5 m/s/s?


Emmett decides that he needs chapstick and his lips hurt real bad. He goes to the nurse to get some, but drops the chapstick on the way back. The chapstick tube has a mass of 0.2kg and has a maximum velocity of 2.5m/s. The time of impact is 0.05 seconds. What is the force applied by the ground to the chapstick?

What is 10 N?


A leftward moving sledder is slowing down as she glides across a patch of loosely packed snow.

What is F grav down, F norm up, F frict right, F air right?


Mr. Ahrens cat Butters aggressively attacks a fly. She lunges to the left with a force of 300N and has a gravitational force of 250N. The force of air resistance is 22N. What is Butter's net force?

What is 278N left, 250N down?
