Preterite Tense Of Regular Verbs
Irregular Preterite Verbs
Verbs That Change Meaning In The Preterite
Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns
Gustar and Similar Verbs

What are the three types of verbs? 

*Types of verbs, NOT tenses.

1. -Ar

2. -Er

3. -Ir


What two specific verbs have the same conjugations in the preterite? 



What does 'conocer' mean in the present? 

What does 'conocer' mean in the preterite? 

1. To know (people and/or places)

2. To meet


What is the purpose of direct and indirect object pronouns? 

To identify (simplify) the sentence. 


What does the verb 'gustar' mean? 

1. To like/To please


What are the endings for regular -Ar verbs in the preterite tense? AND please conjugate the verb 'Comprar' using those endings. 

*Conjugate for ALL subjects!

1. -Ar: é, aste, ó, amos, aron 

Compré, compraste, compró, compramos, compraron


What are the conjugations of Ser/Ir in the preterite?

1. Fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron


What does 'saber' mean in the present? 

What does 'saber' mean in the preterite? 

1. To know (facts/information)

2. To find out; To learn


What two questions to direct objects answer? 

1. What? 

2. Whom? 


With singular subjects or verbs in the infinitive, what form of 'gustar' do we use? 

1. Third person singular (gusta)


What are the endings for regular -Er verbs in the preterite tense? AND please conjugate the verb 'Vender' using those endings. 

*Conjugate for ALL subjects!

1. -Er: í, iste, ió, imos, ieron

Vendí, vendiste, vendió, vendimos, vendieron


What are the three types of irregular stem verbs in the preterite tense? 

*Give me an example of each type of stem verb

1. U-stem: Estar

2. I-stem: Querer

3. J-stem: Decir


What does 'poder' mean in the present? 

What does 'poder' mean in the preterite?

1. To be able; To can

2. To succeed


What two questions do indirect object pronouns answer? 

1. To whom? 

2. For whom? 


With plural subjects, what form of 'gustar' do we use?

1. Third person plural (gustan)


What are the endings for regular -Ir verbs in the preterite tense? AND please conjugate the verb 'Escribir' using those endings. 

*Conjugate for ALL subjects!

1. -Ir: í, iste, ió, imos, ieron

Escribí, escribiste, escribió, escribimos, escribieron


What are the endings for the irregular verbs in the preterite tense? (This does not include Ser/Ir)

*Please give me all of the endings. 

1. Irregular endings: e, iste, o, imos, ieron


What does 'querer' mean in the present? 

What does 'querer' mean in the preterite?

1. To want; To love

2. To try


What are the direct and indirect object pronouns in Spanish? 

*Please make your charts and list them ALL. 

Direct Object Pronouns: Me, te, lo/la, nos, los/las

Indirect Object Pronouns: Me, te, le, nos, les


What construction can we add to the sentence for clarity or emphasis?  

*Give me an example (written in Spanish)

1. A + noun/pronoun

1. A ella le gustan los dulces. (Answers will vary)


Complete the sentence by choosing the correct verb and conjugating it in the appropriate preterite form. Translate the sentence. 

El sábado a las diez de la mañana, mi hermano ______ (costar, usar, ganar) un partido de tenis.

1. ganó

2. Saturday, at 10 in the morning, my brother won a tennis game (match). 


Change the irregular verb from present tense to the preterite tense and TRANSLATE the sentence. 

1. Vengo de la escuela en autobús. 

1. Vine

2. Translate: I came to school on the bus. 


Choose the most logical option and then TRANSLATE. 

1. Ayer te llamé varias veces, pero tú no contestaste.

     a. Quise hablar contigo.

     b. Puede hablar contigo.

1. a

2. I called you various times yesterday, but you did not answer. 

     a. I tried to talk with you. 

Rewrite the sentence using the correct object pronouns.

Raquel va a comprar un regalo para sus primos. 

Raquel se lo va a comprar.


Raquel va a comprárselo


Complete the sentence with the correct indirect object pronoun and verb form. Use the present tense. THEN translate the sentence. 

A nosotros ______ ________ (fascinar) los grupos de pop latino. 

1. nos fascinan

2. Latin pop groups fascinate us/ We are fascinated by latin pop groups. 
