You will hear "Code Red" in this classroom emergency.
What is Lockdown Drill?
You raise two fingers straight in the air.
What is the procedure for getting tissue/hand sanitizer
It's "boy/girl" seating in this procedure.
What is the library procedure
What procedure is this: you did not finish your in-class classroom and have to take it home to complete.
What is the homework procedure?
You may not give your late assignment to a substitute teacher.
What is the homework/substitute policy?
You stand quietly on the grass in this classroom emergency
What is Fire/Lockdown Drill
Students are not permitted to ever leave Ms. Brown's classroom to do what?
Get water
You must have a pass from a teacher in order to visit another teacher.
What is the procedure to see other teachers?
Students may borrow a book from class, color, or do word searches.
What is the procedure finishing a test/quiz or in-class work early?
You go to this area of the classroom to use the giant coloring sheet or put your picture on the "brag" board
The Student Center
Cover head with hands while in a SEATED position.
What is a tornado drill?
Hold up two crossed fingers for this procedure
What is the bathroom request procedure?
You will go here to obtain missed work.
What is the procedure for getting work when absent?
Blurting, laughing at inappropriate times/situations will not be permitted in this procedure.
What is the procedure for viewing a movie or video or taking a test
In this procedure, this item is not not allowed in any classroom at HMS.
What is the procedure for eating/drinking in class, cell phones
What is the green tub/container in Ms. Brown's classroom used for?
Charging chromebooks/loaner?
You are only allowed to move out of your seat at the end of class as you are lining up to do ___________
Throw away trash?
Students must stop talking when this happens.
What is the intercom announcement procedure; hand clapping, call back from Ms. Brown
In this procedure, a Team Leader will be chosen by Ms. Brown
What is the procedure for working in groups?
Which hobby does Ms. Brown have that involves the use of a camera
What is the procedure called when students have to move far away from the building, walk to the designated safe place: church
What is a lockdown drill?
In this procedure, elopement will result in a negative consequence when you leave class without permission to do what?
What is the bathroom procedure?
In this procedure, you do not disturb your neighbor when you enter class by asking him/her to explain the assignment that you missed
What is the procedure for arriving to class tardy?
Violations will be recorded in the student’s record and viewed by his/her parent/guardian.
What is the procedure for class/student discipline/detention
Ms. Brown does this activity that involves the use of ropes.
What is Double Dutch?