Plot Structure
Brain POP
True or False

What is setting?

 the time and place where the story takes place


the beginning part of a story where the setting, main characters, and background information are introduced, is known as?



Jack Juniper is the best fighter pilot in the Air Force. He can take down an enemy jet while doing a barrel roll. One day while Jack is escorting some friendly pilots to a military base, something that Jack has never seen before attacks the convoy...aliens! Can Jack outmaneuver the highly skilled alien pilots or is the mission doomed to failure?

What is the conflict of the story?

The conflict of the story is that aliens are attacking

The phrase "money can't buy happiness," is an example of...



PLOT is also known as the series of events in a story. 



the turning point when the main conflict is resolved and the plot reaches its most suspenseful moment. It is known as.....?



What is resolution?

the conclusion of the plot, or the final stage of a story's development


Alex shut the lid to his laptop with a loud clap. Some of the people sitting at the tables near him looked up from their books and gave him annoyed looks. Alex realized that he had disturbed them and help up his hand apologetically. The librarian turned toward him and shushed him loudly, perhaps louder than the noise that he had made. Alex put the laptop in his bag and began walking toward the door. He held his head down low.

Where is the story taking place (Setting)?.....

The story takes place at the library.


what is the purpose of key details in a story?

the importance of key details is to support, clarify, or prove the main idea.


There are 6 elements in plot structure.



What is conflict?

conflict is a struggle or opposition between two or more opposing forces or ideas


1. A boy is playing with his rambunctious dog Sadie when she pulls loose from her collar and runs away. Now, the boy must find Sadie before she runs too far away to be found. 

2. After looking for Sadie for a while, the boy hears barking from around the house. There, he finds his lost dog and the two happily meet again.

Which one is the climax? which is the conflict?

Passage 1 is conflict

Passage 2 is climax


Jimmy woke up on Saturday morning. He wanted to go out to play, but he did not have any clean clothes to wear. He looked in his drawers. He looked in his closets. There were no clean clothes! Jimmy tiptoed downstairs in his underwear and looked in the washing machine. There were his clothes. All of them were wet. So, Jimmy put them in the hamper, carried them outside, and hung them out on the line to dry. Luckily, nobody saw him because none of his neighbors were home! The sun quickly dried his clothes. By afternoon, Jimmy was dressed and ready to go outside to play.

What is the Central Idea?

The Central Idea is Jimmy had no clothes to wear when he woke up.


what is the difference between TOPIC and THEME?

TOPIC: What the story is about.

THEME: The overall message of a story.


When using the term "YOU" in a story it is being told in first person.


* Second person is "YOU"


message or concept that the author is trying to convey to the reader. It is known as?



the part of the plot that builds up to the climax, or turning point, of the story, is known as...

Rising action

There was once a boy who looked after some sheep. The boy was bored. One day, he played a trick on the villagers. "Wolf! wolf!" he shouted. The villagers came up the hill to save the sheep. When they got there, there was no wolf. The boy laughed at them. "you must not tell lies" said the villagers. They went back to the village. Soon, the boy was bored again. He shouted, "wolf! wolf!" The villagers rushed up the hill to save the sheep. The boy laughed at them. "You must not tell lies!" shouted the villagers. They went back down to the village. Later that day, a wolf did come into the field. The boy shouted and shouted "wolf! wolf!" This time, no one came to help. The wolf ate all the sheep.

What is the theme of the story?

The theme of the story is that no one believes a liar.


A category used to classify types of literary work.

A. Climax                        B. Genre

C. Point of view                 D. Plot



you use the word contrast when you have the intention of differentiating between two objects.



What is Central Idea?

the author's main point or message about a topic or idea


the action that occurs immediately after the big climax has taken place and the action shifts towards resolution instead of escalation, is known as....

Falling action


It was an incredibly hot day, and a lion was feeling very hungry. He came out of his den and searched here and there. He could find only a small hare. He caught the hare with some hesitation.

“This hare can’t fill my stomach” thought the lion. As the lion was about to kill the hare, a deer ran that way. The lion became greedy.

He thought “Instead of eating this small hare, let me eat the big deer.” He let the hare go and went behind the deer. But the deer had vanished into the forest.

The lion now felt sorry for letting the hare off.

What is the theme of the text?

The theme of the text is don't be greedy.


Name the sequence of events that unfold within a story in order from START to FINISH.


Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution.


imagery is a type of conflict.

