What yellow ball eats ghost?
Pac Man
This animal carries its young in a stomach pouch
What is bigger a pond or a lake
Members of the warrior class in Japan
When was the first anniversary for Luigi (nintendo)
What bird has a extremely dense feathers
The penguin (three layers)
What's the tallest mountain in the world
Mt Everest
Which state first declared independence from Great Britain
Rhode Island
What game builds with blocks
What teacher is the oldest
What state in the US is the largest
Where did the Olympics originate?
What actress stars in Pixels?
Adam Sandler
How many legs would 8 octopuses have total
64 legs
Name one of the four states in the west that make up the four corners region
Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Arizona
How many world Series have the Red Sox won
9 world championships
What was the inspiration for the Game Boy?
a calculator
What dog breed was raised for royalty? aka Daniel's dog.
Japanese Chin
What's the tallest mountain in MA
Mount Greylock
What was Zeus's father's name?