Handsome fellas saying:
What is ugly things!
What does the Lorax represent in "The Lorax"?
What is the environment?
What do the suffixes ance or ence mean?
What is state or quality?
Who said, "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness"?
Who is Al Capone?
How much time should you spend on each question?
What is one minute?
Please do not slam!
What is my door?
What does the Once-ler represent in "The Lorax"?
What is industrialization?
What does the suffix ee mean?
What is the receiver of action?
What were the children's' names in, "The Veldt"?
What are Wendy and Peter?
What should you do the night before you are TABE testing?
What is study or get a good night's sleep?
Slamming my door disturbs...
What is Mr. Sidykh?
What do the Truffula Trees represent in "The Lorax"?
What are natural resources?
What does the prefix hemi or semi mean?
What is half?
What was the name of John Wick's first dog?
What is Daisy?
What should you do if you really get stuck on a question?
What is skip it and come back to it. Cover as much ground as possible.
When you finish your assignment, please let me see...
What is your beautiful faces?
Where are the rules posted in Ms. Brown's classroom?
What is on the white board by the projector?
What does the prefix circum mean?
What is around?
What is the newest movie in the John Wick franchise?
What is, "The Ballerina"?
What does reading for leisure improve?
What is your speed and understanding?
Please finish this quote: Silly students, doing silly things to win.....
What is silly prizes?
Who in "The Lottery' draws the fatal slip?
Who is Tessie Hutchinson?
What does the prefix trans mean?
What is across or over?
What is the major rule at the Continental in the John Wick movies?
What is that it is neutral ground?
What should you do if you have TABE Reading concerns?
What is talk to Ms. Brown?