Story & Non-Fiction Text Structure
Context Clues & Figurative Language
Non-fiction & Poetry

What is the text structure?

When I got home from school after a long boring day, I took out the peanut butter, jelly, and bread. After taking the lid off of the jars, I spread the peanut butter on one side of the bread and the jelly on the other, and then I put the two pieces of bread together. After that, I enjoyed it while watching "Cops" on the TV. I swear, that was the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich I ever ate.

Order & Sequence


What is the meaning of the word apprehensive mean in the following sentence? 

But that doesn’t mean I wasn’t a little apprehensive when I motioned Mary Huston, the town historian, into the staff area of the library.

A. selfish

B. excited

C. nervous

D. terrified



What is a central idea?

It is what the text is mostly about. Also called the main idea.


Which of the following is NOT true about writing a summary?

A. Summaries should only include information from the passage.

B. Summaries should not include your opinion.

C. Summaries must be longer than the original text. 

D. Summaries should only include the most important information.

C. Summaries must be longer than the original text.


Which is the correct way to write the title of the poem?

A. "Sick"

B. Sick

C. Sick

D. "Sick"



Which text structure only gives you facts and information? 



What does the word pleasant mean?

The first place that I can well remember was a pleasant meadow with a pond of clear water in it. Over the hedge on one side we looked into a plowed field, and on the other we looked over a gate at our master’s house, which stood by the roadside.

A. nice

B. large

C. open

D. empty



What is the theme of the following passage?

A donkey and a fox decided to team up to find food together. They were travelling in the forest when they crossed paths with a lion. They were both scared. But the fox hoped to save himself. He approached the lion and offered to help him get the donkey, if the lion would let him escape unharmed.

The lion agreed. So the fox and the donkey walked on, with the lion trailing behind them. The fox led the donkey to a hidden pit, left by some long‐ago hunter as a trap for wild animals, and the donkey fell in. As soon as the donkey was in the pit, the lion came out of hiding and ate the fox. Then he ate the donkey.

A. The theme is to be prepared for any situation.

B. The theme is that betraying your friend can also hurt you.

C. The theme is that you can also be hurt by revenge.

D. The theme is to always stand up for yourself.

B. The theme is that betraying your friend can also hurt you.


Which point of view shows that the narrator is able to see what everyone is thinking and doing?

A. First Person

B. Second Person

C. Third Person

C. Third Person


What change, if any, is needed to the italicized text?

Sometimes called the fourth sister the bright colors of the sunflowers also attract insects that pollinate the whole garden. 

A. Sometimes called the fourth sister, the bright colors

B. Sometimes called the fourth sister the bright, colors 

C. Sometimes called, the fourth sister the bright colors

D. No Change

A. Sometimes called the fourth sister, the bright colors


What is the name for the most intense part of a conflict in a story?

The climax


What does the author mean by the phrase “roar of the ocean” in paragraph 14?

But the drop answered never a word. It did not even hear the gentle voice of the breeze, so loud was the roar of the ocean.

A The ocean frightened the Dewdrop.

B The ocean was angry at the breeze.

C The ocean moved quickly and violently.

D The ocean was noisy and powerful.

D The ocean was noisy and powerful.


What does the author mean by the phrase "if a fogbank rolled in" in the following paragraph?

Charlie Noble owned a sailboat named the Fast and Able. Sailing in each other's company provided a perfect afternoon for Charlie and Mate, but they did not go too far from shore in the small boat. Mate either slept on the sun-warmed deck or joined Charlie in the cockpit, usually snuggled up to his master. If a fogbank rolled in, Mate would bark loudly, acting as the Fast and Able's foghorn. 

A. Fog may sometimes appear suddenly.

B. Fog may sometimes be difficult to see.

C. Fog may cause the sailboat to turn around.

D. Fog may cause the sailboat to stop moving.

A. Fog may sometimes appear suddenly.


The Engine 

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 

Into the gloom of the deep, dark night,  

With panting breath and a startled scream;  

Swift as a bird in sudden flight  

Darts this creature of steel and steam.


Awful dangers are lurking nigh,  

Rocks and chasms are near the track,  

But straight by the light of its great white eye  

It speeds through the shadows, dense and black.

Terrible thoughts and fierce desires        

Trouble its mad heart many an hour,  

Where burn and smoulder the hidden fires,  

Coupled ever with might and power. 


It hates, as a wild horse hates the rein,  

The narrow track by vale and hill;  

And shrieks with a cry of startled pain,  

And longs to follow its own wild will.

What does the last stanza suggest about the train? 

A.  It can move faster than a horse. 

B.  It does not want to be controlled. 

C.  It makes a loud neighing sound. 

D.  It does not like to go too fast.

B.  It does not want to be controlled.


As it turned out, the railroad that is helping Atlanta grow ended up hurting it, too.

Replace is helping with 

A. is helping (no change)

B. had helped 

C. helps  

D. have helped

had helped


What is the text structure?

Dr. Miller doesn't want the tigers to vanish. These majestic beasts are disappearing at an alarming rate. Dr. Miller thinks that we should write to our congress people. If we let them know that we demand the preservation of this species, maybe we can make a difference. Dr. Miller also thinks that we should donate to Save the Tigers. Our donations will help to support and empower those who are fighting the hardest to preserve the tigers. We owe it to our grandchildren to do something.

Problem and Solution


“Bamboo as tall as a man and as thick as a telephone pole was hollowed to make containers for carrying the valuable liquid.”

What does the author mean by the similes used in the sentence?

A The bamboo was bumpy and rough.

B The bamboo was hard and firm.

C The bamboo was large and sturdy.

D The bamboo was plain and ordinary.

C The bamboo was large and sturdy.


What does the author mean by the phrase "hung back" in the following paragraph? 

Jess stood on her hind legs and crossed her paws in such a funny way that Lottie danced about with delight. Carrie was timid and hung back. She did not like to say so, but she was really rather afraid of the new pet. This was silly, but in a short time, when she saw how good and gentle Jess really was, she forgot her fears.

A. Carrie was worried the new dog would jump on her.

B. Carrie sat quietly and hoped her sister would take the new dog away.

C. Carrie hid behind her sister so that the new dog would not see her. 

D. Carrie did not want to get too close to the new dog.

D. Carrie did not want to get too close to the new dog.


The Engine 

by Ella Wheeler Wilcox 

Into the gloom of the deep, dark night,  

With panting breath and a startled scream;  

Swift as a bird in sudden flight  

Darts this creature of steel and steam.


Awful dangers are lurking nigh,  

Rocks and chasms are near the track,  

But straight by the light of its great white eye  

It speeds through the shadows, dense and black.

Terrible thoughts and fierce desires  

Trouble its mad heart many an hour,  

Where burn and smoulder the hidden fires,  

Coupled ever with might and power.  

It hates, as a wild horse hates the rein,  

The narrow track by vale and hill;  

And shrieks with a cry of startled pain,  

And longs to follow its own wild will.

What is the main theme in this poem? 

A. Trains hate people. 

B. Trains are wild animals. 

C. Trains need to be controlled. 

D. Trains are dangerous and scary

D. Trains are dangerous and scary


What change, if any, is needed to the word "allowed" in the following sentence?

Since Newton, many artists and scientists have "allowed" Newton's original design to make their own color wheels.

A. determined

B. produced

C. updated

D. No change



What is the text structure?

Many people are confused about why our economy went to shambles in 2008. The crisis was actually the result of a combination of many complex factors. First, easy credit conditions allowed people who were high-risk or unworthy of credit to borrow, and even people who had no income were eligible for large loans. Second, banks would bundle these toxic loans and sell them as packages on the financial market. Third, large insurance firms backed these packages, misrepresenting these high-risk loans as safe investments. Fourth, because of the ease of acquiring credit and the rapid growth in the housing market, people were buying two or three houses, intending to sell them for more than they paid. All of these factors created bubbles of speculation. These bubbles burst, sending the whole market into a downward spiral, causing employers to lose capital and lay off employees. Consumer spending then plummeted and most businesses suffered. The economy is like a big boat, and once it gets moving quickly in the wrong direction, it's hard to turn it around.

Cause and Effect


It’s difficult to understand the splitting of atoms, but we can thank Lise Meitner for first explaining it. This chemist first published the evidence of it in 1938. She and a colleague named the process nuclear fission. This process is used in nuclear power plants to produce electricity.

Which phrase from the passage provides a clue to the meaning of colleague

A.  â€œpublished the evidence”

B.  â€œhis research with Meitner” 

C.  â€œcontribution to chemistry” 

D.  â€œreceived the Nobel Prize"

"his research with Meitner"


Read the following two paragraphs:

"This is a present which your uncle has sent you," Mrs. Sefton said. "You are to have it for your very own--its name is Jess. Stand up, Jess, and show your owners how you can beg."

Jess stood on her hind legs and crossed her paws in such a funny way that Lottie danced about with delight. Carrie was timid and hung back. She did not like to say so, but she was really rather afraid of the new pet. This was silly, but in a short time, when she saw how good and gentle Jess really was, she forgot her fears.

Which two inferences can the reader make about Jess based on paragraphs 6-7?

A. Jess was only taught one trick before coming to Lottie and Carrie's house.

B. Jess had never really been around children before meeting Lottie and Carrie. 

C. Jess belonged to someone before being given to Lottie and Carrie as a gift.

D. Jess was a calm dog and behaved well around Lottie and Carrie.

E. Jess traveled a long distance to get to Lottie and Carrie's house. 

C. Jess belonged to someone before being given to Lottie and Carrie as a gift.

D. Jess was a calm dog and behaved well around Lottie and Carrie.


What is the central idea of the following passage?:

Getting Focused: This activity uses balloons to simulate the chain reaction of nuclear fission.  

Getting Ready: This activity requires 10 participants and 10 round, inflated balloons. 


1. Each participant takes a balloon; one participant is the leader and the rest are reactors. 

2. The nine reactors stand in 3 rows of 3, about 2 feet apart from one another. 

3. The leader stands in front of the reactors and tosses a balloon above their heads. 

4. Any reactor hit by the balloon tosses his/her balloon into the air; each reactor then hit by another reactor’s balloon tosses his/her balloon into the air.  

Analysis: In this activity, the participants represent uranium atoms, and the balloons represent neutrons. When a neutron hits an atom, it starts a chain reaction, freeing other neutrons to hit other atoms.  

A. to prove that nuclear fission is possible 

B. to show how nuclear plants operate in the U.S. 

C. to prove that Meitner discovered nuclear fission 

D. to show how a nuclear reaction works

D. to show how a nuclear reaction works


What is the correct way to write the title of the book Number the Stars?

A. Number the Stars

B. "Number the Stars"

C. number the stars

D. Number the Stars

Number the Stars
