Elements of a Story
Text Structure
Text Features
Main Idea

The number of main elements of a story

What is five


The evidence from the text + background information

What is inferencing


The way an author organizes the text

What is text structure


The text near a picture that provides more information

What is caption


What the text is mostly about

What is the main idea


The location of where the story takes place

What is setting


This is something stated INdirectly in the text

What is implicitly 


This text structure describes similarities and differences

What is compare and contrast

The list of headings in a book and what pages they will be on

What is Table of Contents


The main idea is what the text is mostly about but the theme is 

What is the lesson learned


The people or animals in the story

What is characters


This is something stated directly in the text

What is explicitly


The text explains the events and the results of these events

What is cause and effect


The list of important words from the text...usually in the back of a book

What is glossary


Strategies to find the main idea include reading the title, looking at pictures, reading the first line and last line, and looking for repeated 

What is words


The creative language (not literal) to tell a story, paint a picture, and help the reader imagine being in the story

What is figurative language


Mr. Price entered the Google Classroom meeting excited. He just left a meeting to go over the test scores of his students. When the students asked Mr. Price why he is so excited, he just smiled and said, "I am proud of my students. Hard work pays off." How did the students do on the test?

What is good


If you find a cherimoya in the market, you might want to try it. The cherimoya is a tropical fruit native to South America. The fruit is green and somewhat heart-shaped, with a skin that's often lumpy. Beneath the green skin, you'll see the inside is white and juicy. The cherimoya is sometimes also called the "custard apple." Its flesh is smooth and tastes sweet. The text structure of this paragraph...

What is Description


The title at the top of the page that will tell the reader what they will read about

What is the heading

Information or facts that add to the main idea

What is supporting details


The story's beginning, middle, end. Also known as the sequence of events in the story

What is the plot


Mr. Gilley was running late for work. He ran out the door and headed to the car but realized he could not get in. Then his day worsened when he realized his big mistake as he stood outside mad as rain begin to come down. What was his mistake?

What is leaving his keys inside and locking himself out the house.


It takes a long time and a lot of hard work to become a veterinarian. You'll want to start by finishing high school and going on to college. During college, you might study biology, chemistry, or animal science. Then, after four years of college, you'll attend four years of veterinary school. There you will learn more about medicine and animals and how to care for them. After finishing veterinary school, you will need to pass a test called a licensing exam. Then, at last, you can work as a veterinarian. The text structure of this paragraph...

What is Sequential/Chronological Order


The important words that are darkened in a text

What are Bold Words


Retelling the main idea and putting it in your own words

What is summarizing
