This type of figurative language compares two or more things using the terms "like" or "as"
The meaning of this root is life
The vocab term that simply means not disturbed
The signpost that can also be known as a lightbulb moment
Aha moment
These are the 3 types of connotation
Positive, Negative, Neutral
This type of figurative language really exaggerates something
The meaning of this root is light
She quivered when she stepped into the cold air.
Trembled or shook
When a character has a flashback of something that happened in the past
Memory moment
The word "forceful" is an example of this type of connotation
"Bang" and "pow" are examples of this type of figurative language
The root "therm" means this
The man grimaced when he realized it was only 3:00 and he had nothing left to do
Frowned, negative expression
When a character does something that is the opposite of what we expect them to do
Contrasts and contradictions
The word "brilliant" has this type of connotation
The trees danced in the breezy fall air is an example of this type of figurative language
The meaning of this root is to see
The woman was in dismay because the young child was crying.
Stressed or alarmed
When one character gives another advice that is important
Words of the wiser
The word "smart" has this type of connotation
The root "morph" means this
To form or shape
I had an accomplice to help me escape.
A person who helps one do wrong
How can I possibly choose between these two paths? Is an example of this signpost...
Tough question
Connotation can be defined as ...
The figurative or implied meaning of a word. Or how a word makes us feel.