Where does the Ghost of Christmas Past take Scrooge last?
to see Belle's family
Describe Scrooge's second visitor.
He wore a wreath of holly on his head.
He has a green robe.
He had bare feet.
What question does Scrooge ask the second spirit?
if Tiny Tim will live
What does Scrooge notice is changing about the spirit as they make their way through Christmas?
What feeling floods Scrooge when he meets the third spirit?
What news does Belle's husband tell her?
that Marley is dying, and Scrooge is about to be alone in the world
What is the name of the second spirit?
In whose name does Bob give the Christmas toast?
Ebenezer Scrooge
What are the names of the children that emerge from the spirits clothes?
Ignorance and want
What does the third spirit look like?
it is dressed completely in black
What does Scrooge feel during the last memory?
regret that he could have had a beautiful daughter and a family in his old age
What does the spirit ask Scrooge to touch in order to be transported?
His robe
Which places did Scrooge and the Spirit visit during their travels?
a lighthouse, a mine, a ship at sea, a prison, a hosptial
To whom does the spirit say the children belong to?
to mankind
What is the name of the third spirit?
2.Ghost of Christmas Future
3.Ghost of Christmas yet to come
As Scrooge witnesses the various scenes of his childhood, what seems to be slipping away from in as he grows older?
Bob Cratchits
What type of Christmas does Scrooge overhear Fred wishing for him?
a happy one
Which of Scrooges grand statements does the spirit repeat to Scrooge?
"Are there no prisons?... Are there no workhouses?"
What are a group of men on the street corner laughing about?
How cheap Funeral will be
When Scrooge awakens before his second visitor, what has filled his room?
What is Tiny Tim's attitude to being ill?
He is still joyful
What does Scrooge see in all the places that he visited with the spirit?
Happiness and love.
What does the third spirit say to Scrooge when he first meets him?
Nothing, the spirit never speaks
According to two of the men on the street, who has claimed the dead man?
Old Scratch