What monster lives in the Labyrinth?
Bonus 3 points: what does the monster's name mean?
The minotaur
Mino (King Minos) + Taur (bull, like Taurus) = The Bull of Minos
Medusa is what kind of monster?
She is a gorgon--women with snakes for hair and bodies covered in scales, she can turn anybody who looks at her to stone.
What is a root word?
A root word is a part of a word that comes from a language like Greek or Latin, they each have a particular meaning and you can use them to decode difficult English words.
Where is Greece?
Southern Europe, in the Mediterranean
She brings him a ball of string to help him retrace his steps through the maze
Perseus needs help to find and fight Medusa, which two Olympian gods give him gifts and advice?
Athena and Hermes
Adverbs are like adjectives but for verbs. They usually end with what two letter suffix?
"He ran quickly" "She sang beautifully"
What is the capital of Greece? Which god/goddess is it named after?
Genius 👑 question for 5 points: In this city there is a hill called the Acropolis, on top of it is one of the most famous temples in the world. What is that temple called?
Athens. Named after Athena
👑: The Parthenon
Who built the Labyrinth?
How does Zeus appear to Perseus's mother, Danaë?
As a rain of golden light
What is an allusion?
a reference
Andromeda was the princess of what country in Africa?
On the way home from Crete, Theseus forgets to do what? What happens?
Theseus forgets to put up the white sails instead of the black. His father thought he had died, so he jumps off a cliff and kills himself :(
At the end of the story, Perseus and his mother go back to their homeland to meet Perseus's grandfather--but Perseus accidentally kills him! How does that happen?
He hits the king with a discus at an athletic event
What does the abbreviation "etc." mean (3)? When do you use it (2)?
It stands for et cetera--Latin for "and the rest"
You use it at the end of a list instead of going on and on. For example: "Mom went to the store to get flour, sugar, bananas, etc."
The large island south of Greece
Hippolytus, his mother is Hippolyta the Queen of the Amazons
Name each of the 5 magic items that Perseus is given by the gods to help him fight Medusa
A sword to cut through her scales, a shield to use as a mirror, a hat of invisibility, a magic pouch that can fit anything inside, and winged sandals so that he can fly
What is verb tense?
When the action happened: past tense (in the past), present tense (happening now), future tense (will happen), etc.
The sea to the east of Greece is named after Theseus's father. What is that sea called?
The Aegean Sea