What's the verb?
Adjectives & adverbs
Complete Sentences
What's the punctuation?
Finding the meaning

Choose the correct word to fill in the blank.

I heard a sound. Did you ________ a sound? 

a. hearing 

b. heard

c. hear 

d. will hear

c. hear


Identify an adjective in the below sentence 

Zelda and her family visited the Jackson Zoo last weekend although it was alarmingly cold and rainy. 

a. last 

b. although 

c. and 

d. cold

d. cold


Which answer choice corrects this run-on sentence? 

Jordan wants to go outside and play with her neighbor her mother said she had to clean up her room first. 

a. Jordan wants to go outside and play with her neighbor, but her mother said she had to clean up her room first.

b. Jordan wants to go outside and play but her mother won't let her. 

c. Jordan wants, to go outside and play with her neighbor but her mother said she had to clean up her room first. 

d. Jordan wants to go outside. And play with her neighbor. But her mother said she had to clean up her room first. 

a. Jordan wants to go outside and play with her neighbor, but her mother said she had to clean up her room first.

Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly.

a. Before I go to bed each night I brush my teeth. 

b. The rabbit scampered across the yard, and ran into the woods. 

c. I don't like to watch scary movies but I like to read scary books. 

d. Our teacher gave us time to study before she gave us the test.

d. Our teacher gave us time to study before she gave us the test.


What does the word extracted mean in the below sentence? 

The milk is extracted from the coconut, which is used to prepare a variety of dishes and sweets.

a. to put in 

b. to take out of something

c. to make 

d. to throw out

b. to take out of something


3. Mary sang in the school choir last year, but this year she ___________ in the church choir. 

Choose the correct verb for the above sentence. 

a. sung

b. had sang

c. is singing

d. has sung

c. is singing


Identify the adjective in the below sentence 

The fastest runner in our school practices frequently in order to increase his speed 

a. fastest 

b. practices 

c. frequently 

d. increase

a. fastest 


Choose the run-on sentence 

a. Felix has a mischievous spirit he is somehow quite well-behaved.

b. Margaret is the most beautiful dancer on the stage.

c. The sky was the limit for a bright, energetic, young prodigy like Ben. 

d. None of the above 

a. Felix has a mischievous spirit he is somehow quite well-behaved.


Choose the sentence that correctly punctuates a quotation. 

a. "Did you remember to lock the door," asked Jenny?

b. "Did you remember to lock the door? asked Jenny."

c. Jenny asked "Did you remember to lock the door?"

d. Jenny asked, "Did you remember to lock the door?"

d. Jenny asked, "Did you remember to lock the door?"


Based on the below sentence, the word console means: 

My father tried to console me after my dog died, but nothing he did made me feel better. 

a. entertain 

b. comfort 

c. talk to 

d. explain 

b. comfort


"I picked it up on the beach last weekend." 

In the above sentence, find the simple predicate. 

a. picked it up 

b. I 

c. I picked it 

d. picked 

d. picked


Choose the correct comparative adjective to complete the below sentence. 

The wind was much ____________ that it was last weekend 

a. cold 

b. coldest 

c. more cold 

d. colder 

d. colder 


Which answer choice is a fragment, rather than a complete sentence?

a. Be careful what you wish for. 

b. He should not run with scissors. 

c. If you can't say something nice. 

d. Don't say anything at all. 

c. If you can't say something nice. 


Which sentence below has the correct end punctuation? 

a. Their cat is orange!

b. Help, a clown is chasing me!

c. Are you sure that goes there! 

d. I wish I knew what time it was!

b. Help, a clown is chasing me!


Using context clues from the below sentence, the word despondent means: 

The poor woman was despondent after losing everything she owned in the fire. 

a. excited 

b. questioning 

c. disheartened

d. radiant

c. disheartened


At the game last week, Lauren hit the ball over the fence and scored the winning run. Choose the verbs from the sentence above. 

a. ball, fence 

b. hit, scored

c. winning, run 

d. over, run

b. hit, scored


Identify the adverb used in sentence 2. 

(1) Mary went to visit her grandmother last weekend. (2) She likes to visit her grandmother frequently. (3) While visiting, they enjoy walking. (4) They strolled in the beautiful park and talked. (5) Mary and her grandmother enjoyed their visit. 

a. likes 

b. visit 

c. frequently 

d. her 

c. frequently

What would transform this fragment into a complete sentence? 

Three ways to transfer heat. 

a. Replacing the period with a question mark at the end of the sentence. 

b. Adding "convection, conduction, and radiation" to the end of the sentence 

c. Adding "There are" to the beginning of the sentence.

d. Nothing. The sentence is complete already

c. Adding "There are" to the beginning of the sentence.


Which sentence below is written correctly? 

a. A famous basketball player Kobe Bryant won many MVP awards.

b. A famous basketball player, Kobe Bryant won many MVP awards. 

c. A famous basketball player, Kobe Bryant, won many MVP awards.

d. A, famous basketball player, Kobe Bryant, won many MVP awards. 

c. A famous basketball player, Kobe Bryant, won many MVP awards.


The word weary means:

The young men rode their bikes 60 miles to the fair. They did not stop for a break the entire trip. Once they arrived, they were too weary to walk around and enjoy the rides, so they simply lounged on the bleachers and watched the quilt judging contest. 

a. excited 

b. tired 

c. energized 

d. enthusiastic

b. tired 


Choose the sentence that uses a present tense verb. 

a. I stood outside and watched the lunar eclipse with my family.

b. The farmer will be planting corn this year instead of cotton and soybeans.

c. Randy and Paul are sitting in the bus at the end of the line. 

d. You had to go to detention today because you forgot to do your homework. 

c. Randy and Paul are sitting in the bus at the end of the line.


What is the correct order of adverbs in the sentence below? 

The huge tiger hungrily and stealthily walked in the black, spiky bush getting ready to pounce. 

a. huge, spiky

b. hungrily and stealthily 

c. stealthily and hungrily 

d. black spiky

b. hungrily and stealthily


Identify the run-on sentence. 

(1) If I could dine with any person, living or dead, I would choose Maya Angelou. (2) She endured hardships in her life but went on to become one of the most influential literary figures of the 20th century. (3) I would ask her what inspired her most. 

a. Sentence 1 

b. Sentence 2

c. Sentence 3 

d. None of the above 

d. None of the above


What is the correct way to write the sentence below? 

Tom's English professor asked him what was wrong. 

a. The sentence is correct.

b. Tom's English professor asked him "what was wrong?"

c. "Tom's English professor asked him what was wrong."

d. Tom's English professor, asked him, what was wrong. 

a. The sentence is correct.


Based on the below sentence, the best meaning for the word gawked is: 

Larry gawked in wide-eye astonishment at the woman wearing the glass hat with fish swimming in it. 

a. glanced at 

b. stared intensely 

c. laughed at 

d. yelled at 

b. stared intensely 
