Identifying Differences
Essay Writing
Text Analysis
Word Meaning
Word Relationships & Patterns

What is the difference between citing evidence and explaining evidence?

Citing- involves referencing or acknowledging the source of information used in a piece of writingby providing specific details such as the author's name, the title of the work, publication information, and page numbers (if applicable) to give credit to the original creator of the information.

Explaining- involves providing clarification, analysis, or interpretation of the information presented in your writing.


The writer’s or speaker’s position on a debatable issue or problem



For this question, refer to the passage, "Community Building in School":

What is the central idea of the passage?

a) Having a clean school environment is important to the health and success of all students.

b) Better snacks and school supplies are needed to improve the student experience.

c) Creating a supportive and purposeful community is more effective than making superficial improvements to the school.

d) More fun activities at football games is one way to improve students' sense of belonging.

c) Creating a supportive and purposeful community is more effective than making superficial improvements to the school.


In the following word, identify the prefix, suffix, and root word:


Prefix: Un

Root Word: Deny

Suffix: Able


"When I was experienced enough, my mother and I finally climbed Black Mountain, and it was the best day of my life. From up there, I could see not only the whole of Lake George, but I could see beautiful Lake Champlain to the north. I also could count many, many peaks of colossal mountains much more impressive than the puny one I was on."

Which word from the excerpt is an antonym that gives a clue to the meaning of colossal?

A. experienced

B. beautiful

C. impressive

D. puny

D. puny


What is the difference between central idea and theme?

Central Idea:  (also known as the main idea) refers to the  focus or key concept of a specific text. It is the main message or argument that the author is trying to convey. Central ideas are typically more specific and concrete, focusing on the main topic or subject matter of a particular piece of writing.

Theme: The theme is the broader underlying message, insight, or universal truth that is conveyed through a text. It represents the overarching life lesson or concept that the author explores and develops throughout the entire work.


Facts, statistics, numerical data, quotations, specific examples, and expert opinions that support a claim



For this question, refer to the passage, "Community Building in School":

What is the main purpose of the author's proposed meetings and student organizers?

a) To identify problems that can be changed in the school.

b) To create a community of people who care about each other and the school.

c)  To work with the administration on achievable goals.

d) To improve the overall atmosphere at football games.

b) To create a community of people who care about each other and the school.


The word astronomy comes from the Greek roots ast, meaning “star,” and nomos, meaning “arranging or rule.” 

What does astronomy mean? 

A. the mapping of the night sky 

B. the naming of constellations 

C. the observation of star orbits 

D. the scientific study of the universe

D. the scientific study of the universe


"We camped in the shadow of a tall mountain called Black Mountain, and I always scrutinized it from my campsite and wished, as I gazed, that I could stand at the top and look down. "

The word “gazed” is a synonym for “scrutinized.” What does this help to explain about the narrator?

A. She had a vivid imagination.

B. She was not an experienced camper.

C. She had a keen interest in the mountain.

D. She was not prepared to climb the mountain.

C. She had a keen interest in the mountain.


What is the difference between author's purpose and point of view?

Author's Purpose-the reason why the author wrote a particular piece of writing. The purpose can vary widely and may include informing, persuading, entertaining, or expressing feelings or opinions.

Point of View- refers to the perspective from which the story or narrative is told. It encompasses the narrator's position in relation to the events and characters in the story.


Name at least four of the five parts that every argumentative essay should have.

Introduction (including the Claim)

Body Paragraphs

Counterclaim/ Rebuttal


Works Cited


For this question, refer to the passage, "Community Building in School":

What does the author imply about the promises made by other candidates?

a) They are insignificant issues that need to be addressed.

b) They are trivial promises that won't be kept.

c) They are achievable goals that can be implemented.

d) They are necessary for creating a sense of community.

b) They are trivial promises that won't be kept.

  1. The origin of the word conducive comes from the Latin affix con-, meaning “with,” and the Latin root duc, meaning “lead” or “make.” What does conducive mean?  

    A. helping to make something happen

    B. carrying something through

    C. taking the lead

    D. making a deal

A. helping to make something happen


"I grew up in Albany, the capital of New York. Albany is a dynamic city and during my preceding years there as a schoolgirl, and then throughout my lengthy career as a high school science teacher, I traveled on bustling city roads and elbowed my way through crowded school hallways. When I finally retired, I knew exactly what I would do."

Which word from the paragraph is a synonym that gives a clue to the meaning of dynamic

A. preceding 

B. lengthy 

C. bustling

D. crowded

C. bustling


What is the difference between mood and tone?

Mood- refers to the emotional atmosphere or overall feeling created by a piece of writing. It encompasses the reader's emotional response to the text, which can be influenced by elements such as the setting, imagery, language, and events depicted in the writing. 

Tone- refers to the author's attitude or perspective towards the subject matter, characters, or audience conveyed through the language, style, and voice of the writing. Tone reflects the author's intentions, feelings, or opinions, which can range from formal to informal, serious to playful, respectful to critical.


This answer requires TWO parts: 

The purpose of a conclusion in an essay is to ________. 

Two ways this purpose can be achieved is by including ________ and ________. 

-Wrap up the argument/information presented

-Restating the thesis/claim, reviewing the main points of the essay, leaving the reader with a final insight or call to action


For this question, refer to the passage, "Community Building in School":

This question has two parts. 

Part A: What is the speaker’s argument? 

A. She will solve all of the students’ current problems.

B. She will give each student at school a new purpose.

C. She will work with students as a group to improve issues.                                                                     D. She will teach students new things about interesting topics. 

Part B: Select two claims that the speaker uses to directly support the argument in Part A. 

A. The school is lacking a sense of community. 

B. Candidates are focused on many different issues. 

C. Students hope to gain more out of their school experience. 

D. It can make a person uncomfortable to admit they want more. 

E. Students are tired of hearing empty promises from candidates.




Using your knowledge of Greek and Latin roots, (1) break down the meaning of the word 'autobiography' and (2) explain the connection to it's meaning. 

Auto- self

Bio- life

graph- write

An autobiography is a piece of writing about the author's own life. 


"I had chosen Macomb Mountain as my first peak, in part because I knew from the top I’d be able to experience panoramas that reminded me of the views I had from Black Mountain when I was a kid."

The word “views” is a synonym for “panoramas.” What does this help to explain about the narrator?

A. She thinks she will see more than she actually will.

B. Her experience from the top of Black Mountain had a lasting effect.

C. Her goals are unrealistic compared to what is available to her.

D. She wants to go back to her childhood again through Macomb Mountain.

B. Her experience from the top of Black Mountain had a lasting effect.


What is the difference between paraphrasing and summarizing?

Paraphrasing- involves rewriting an ENTIRE passage or text in your own words while retaining the original meaning.

Summarizing- involves condensing the main points or key ideas of a longer passage or text into a shorter, more concise version. A summary aims to capture the essential elements of the original source while omitting minor details, examples, and supporting evidence. 


A thesis statement and a claim serve a similar purpose, but they differ in one very important way. 

Come up with a thesis statement and a claim about the following topic: 

Social media

The thesis statement must state the topic and key points in an objective way. 

The claim must take a position on a debatable issue or problem.


For this question, refer to the passage, "Community Building in School":

Give a brief description of how this speaker structured her argument.

She begins by addressing common promises made by other candidates for school president, highlighting their superficiality, before presenting her own candidacy based on the need for a stronger sense of community and purpose within the school.


Explain the meaning of the word inextricably in the sentence below:

"The history of technology is inextricably linked to advancements in science and engineering."

The word "inextricably" means in a way that is impossible to separate or disentangle from something else. It indicates a strong and inherent connection or interdependence between two or more elements.


"It was a warm June afternoon when I set out. I knew the trek up to the top was less than 10 miles, and that it should take me about eight hours of straight hiking. But I didn’t want to rush and do it all at once. I wanted to savor every moment and find a place to spend the night camping, just as I had done in my childhood."

The word “rush” is an antonym for “savor.” What does this help to explain about the narrator’s intentions?

She wishes to take her time and enjoy the experience.
