Text Structure
Text Structure
Text Features
Text Features/Summary

Identify the text structure.


Rembrant is a famous artist known for his oil paintings. He was born in 1606. He knew that he wanted to be a painter by 1620, when he was at college. Rembrandt was ambitious. By 1625 he had opened his own art studio. He would go on to paint many masterpieces. 

A) Problem & Solution

B) Sequence

C) Chronological

D) Description

C) Chronological- fits best because the author is providing notable events in Rembrant's in chronological order. We could create a timeline of events based on the information provided. Key words such as dates help confirm this.


Identify the text structure.

Caring for Creatures 

Pros and Cons to Ownership Picking Peculiar Pets Preparing for an exotic pet is unique. First, you must do research to find an exotic pet good for your home environment. Then, you must find someone who breeds and sells the pet you are interested in. Before you buy your pet, you will need to gather the supplies you need, and many will be ordered online since regular pet stores don’t carry exotic materials. Finally, before you bring your pet home, find a good supply of the unique food your new pet will require.

A) Cause & Effect

B) Problem & Solution

C) Chronological

D) Sequence

D) Sequence- fits best because there are key words like first, then, before, finally. The author is giving an ordered list of steps to take before bringing a pet home. Compare & contrast would not be the best fit because although the author mentions pro's and cons, two things are not being compared.


What is the term for the words that appear below a picture?




D)table of contents

B) Caption- a short description giving more information about a picture or diagram


The ______ is located at the end of a book. This text feature is helpful to locate key words within the text. 

Ex: I would use this text feature if I wanted to locate information about the Oregon Trail in my social studies textbook.

Index- Located at the back of the book, is a good "cheat code" for quickly locating topics within a text.


The Chameleon is a creature that has the ability to change its appearance in the face of danger. Do you know a sea creature that can do the same thing? It's called the mimic octopus.

The mimic octopus can change its appearance. It can also change its mannerisms, or the way it behaves. This creature is able to act like a different species. In fact, it can imitate 15 different species. The octopus changes its color and texture to match its surrounding. It is able to change the way it swims. A mimic octopus can look and act like sea snakes, seashells, stingrays, flounder, and jellyfish.

Select the best summary of the text.

A) Mimic Octopus can imitate 15 different animals.

B) Mimic Octopus are like the chameleons of the ocean and can imitate 15 different animals to protect themselves from predators.

C) Chameleons are similar to octopus because they change color.

D) all of the above

A) Mimic Octopus can imitate 15 different animals-The focus is not how many animals they can imitate. The focus is the use of camouflage as a tool. 

B) Mimic Octopus are like the chameleons of the ocean and can imitate 15 different animals to protect themselves from predators.-this covers the reason they mention the chameleon and connect it to the camouflage information.

C) Chameleons are similar to octopus because they change color- Chameleons are not the focus of the text.

D) all of the above-several are incorrect


Identify the text structure.

Taking Cover from Tornados

If you hear a tornado siren or see a tornado warning on the internet or news, there are steps you should take to avoid the tornado. If you are home, it is best to take cover in a basement with no windows. If you have no basement, get to the lowest floor in your home. Caught in a tornado outside? Experts say it is best to abandon your car and find a low-lying ditch where you can lay flat. Tornados are problems for everyone in their path, but being ready when they come can help keep you safe.

Problem & Solution- fits best because the author clearly identifies "tornados are problems" and "being ready" is the solution. Initially you might think it is a cause & effect text structure, but but the last sentence indicates key words that would show problem & solution is a better fit.


Identify the text structure.

The “Perfect” Combination

A train, a campfire, a match, leaves, and lighting. What do all of these have in common? They can all cause a devastating wildfire. When conditions are ripe for a wildfire meaning the temperature is hot and the air is dry it does not take much to spark a fire. A spark from a train’s friction with the track or smoldering embers from a leftover campfire can quickly turn into an out-of-control fire. Piles of leaves and other natural material can become so hot they combust and start a fire. Weather can also cause fires, with ten to twenty percent of all lightning strikes causing fires. And finally, humans can cause fires, on accident or on purpose, with matches and other fire starters.

Cause & Effect- fits best because there are key words like cause, multiple causes listed, and a clear description of what happens as a result. Although wildfires can be a problem, problem & solution does not fit because the author does not clearly identify wildfires as a problem, and the author does not provide a solution. 


Which of these would be best shown with a diagram?

A) a list of different kinds of flowers

B) the different parts of a flower

C) where flowers row

D) a child smelling a flower

B) The different parts of a flower.

A diagram is an image with labeled parts that allow the reader to better understand what something looks like and what different parts are named which is why the parts of the flower would be the best answer.


Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

All the King's horses

and all the King's men,

couldn't put Humpty together again.

What is the best summary of the text?

A) An egg fell and could not be fixed.

B) An egg fell and the King's horses and men could not fix it despite trying very hard.

C) The King had to fix Humpty Dumpty but could not get the pieces to stick together.

D) The egg was put together by the King's horses and men.

A) An egg fell and could not be fixed.-this is the best fit because it is broad and covers all the important pieces of information.

B) An egg fell and the King's horses and men could not fix it despite trying very hard.-Too much detail

C) The King had to fix Humpty Dumpty but could not get the pieces to stick together.-inaccurate

D) The egg was put together by the King's horses and men.-inaccurate


What is a summary?


A summary is a brief recap of the text that does not include small details, just central ideas.


Identify the text structure.

It's a Plane, It's a Bird, It's a...Bat?

Is a bat a bird? No way! Bats, unlike birds, are mammals, whereas birds are part of the bird family. Not just a featherless bird, bats actually have fur covering their bodies. In contrast to a bird, who is born in an egg to hatch and kept safe by its mother, bats are born alive and they survive on their mother’s milk. Both a bat and a bird have wings, but bats also have hands and fingers. Even their sleeping habits are different, with bats sleeping upside down during the day, and birds sleeping in nests at night!

Compare & Contrast- fits best because there are key words such as "in contrast", "both", "different", "unlike." Furthermore, we can identify the author has provided two animals, birds and bats, and is explaining how they are similar and how they are different. 


Identify the text structure.

The Common Cold or the Dreaded Flu?

The common cold and the flu have a lot of similar characteristics, but they are different illnesses caused by different viruses. Even though many of the symptoms, such as fever, tiredness, and a cough are the same for a cold and the flu, symptoms of the flu are usually much worse. When someone suffers from a cold, they usually continue their daily lives, going to work or school. However, the side effects of the flu are so severe that people often stay home from work or school. Colds usually cause a runny or stuffy nose, where the flu is less likely to cause such symptoms. The flu must be diagnosed with a special test from your doctor’s office.

Compare & Contrast- fits the best because the author begins by identifying two topics(common cold and flu) and how they are similar and different. 


In what text feature would you expect to find dates?

Timeline- a diagram that shows events in chronological order


Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. There were four walls, a floor and a roof, which made one room; and this room contained a rusty looking cookstove, a cupboard for the dishes, a table, three or four chairs, and the beds. Uncle Henry and Aunt Em had a big bed in one corner, and Dorothy a little bed in another corner. There was no garret at all, and no cellar--except a small hole dug in the ground, called a cyclone cellar, where the family could go in case one of those great whirlwinds arose, mighty enough to crush any building in its path. It was reached by a trap door in the middle of the floor, from which a ladder led down into the small, dark hole. When Dorothy stood in the doorway and looked around, she could see nothing but the great gray prairie on every side. 

What is the best summary of the excerpt? 

A) Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and Dorothy lived on a farm in Kansas. They did not have much, and the house was small. 

B) Dorothy lived with her Uncle and Aunt in a small-one room house with a small cyclone cellar. 

C) Dorothy lived in Kansas in a one roomed house. 

D) Dorothy lived with her Uncle and Aunt on a small farm in Kansas. There was not much there, just gray prairie.

B) Dorothy lived with her Uncle and Aunt in a small-one room house with a small cyclone cellar.

This is the best answer because option A) Uncle Henry, Aunt Em, and Dorothy lived on a farm in Kansas and did not have much in the small house is a true statement, but most of the passage focus's on the cellar.

C) Dorothy lived in Kansas in a one roomed house is a true statement, but it does not mention the cellar which takes up most of the passage.

D) Dorothy lived with her uncle and aunt on a small farm in Kansas. There is not much there, just gray prairie. Although this gives information mentioned in the text, it still does not mention the cyclone cellar which is a critical part of the text. 


The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The itsy bitsy spider

climbed up the water spout,

down came the rain and

washed the spier out

Out came the sun and

dried up all the rain

and the itsy bitsy spider

climbed up the spout again.

What is the best summary of this text?

A) The itsy bitsy spider

B) A small spider climbed, but was washed away.

C) A large determined spider was washed away by rain but was determined to make it to his destination.

D) The sun preferred to climb in the sun so he didn't get washed away by the rain.

A) The itsy bitsy spider-This is just a topic, not a summary of events.

B) A small spider climbed, but was washed away.-this is the best fit because it mentions the event of climbing and the event of being washed away without providing too much detail.

C) A large determined spider was washed away by rain but was determined to make it to his destination.-"large" is inaccurate based on the text and we do not know that the spider feels determined.

D) The sun preferred to climb in the sun so he didn't get washed away by the rain.- This is an inference, not a summary.


Identify the text structure.

Keeping Clean

When flu season begins in the fall, staying healthy can become a challenge. Missing out on work and play is never on anyone’s to-do list, so avoid the flu by following a few simple steps. Some people get the flu vaccine to prevent illness. Steer clear of the bug by washing your hands with warm water and soap several times a day. The less you touch your nose, mouth, and eyes, the less likely you are to come down with the flu.

Problem & Solution- "staying healthy can become a challenge." identifies that getting sick is the problem.

The author offers several possible solutions to catching the flu such as "get the flu vaccine", "washing your hands", touching your face less.

The author must clearly identify the  problem/issue/challenge, and a clear solution/resolution for the problem & solution text structure to fit.


Identify the text structure.

The Franklin Stove.

During the Colonial Times, most people heated their homes with fireplaces. However, these fireplaces didn’t heat entire rooms, used a lot of wood, and were often dangerous. Franklin, frustrated with this, invented The Franklin Stove, an enclosed stove that used less wood and could stand in the middle of a room, heating from all four sides of the stove. The flame wasn’t as exposed, making it safer than the original fireplace. Others have improved the design of the Franklin Stove so that we have the modern stoves we use today.

Problem & Solution- fits best because the author clearly identifies a problem/issue/concern when he states "However, these fireplaces didn't heat entire rooms, used a lot of woord, and were often dangerous." The author then provides the solution which is The Franklin Stove which contains the flame, making it safer.

What is the purpose of a map in a text?

The purpose of a map in a text is to help the reader understand the location of places mentioned in the text.


What is the term for a text feature that organizes large amounts of information (often numbers) in a small space?

Table- A table organizes large amounts of information, often numbers, into an easily read table or graph that takes up limited space on the page and usually groups the information.


You probably know sharks have very sharp teeth, but did you know they never run out of them? If a shark loses a tooth, another moves forward from within the shark’s jaw where it keeps a nearly unlimited supply of replacement teeth. This way, it’s almost impossible for a shark to end up without a full set of teeth. This is a phenomenon unique to the shark. No other animal in the world has teeth quite like the shark’s. A shark can go through as many as 20,000 teeth in its lifetime! While sharks have a reputation for being fierce and dangerous, not all sharks are ferocious carnivores. Some of the largest sharks are the most harmless. For example, the basking shark and the whale shark are two of the largest types of sharks, but they eat plankton. These sharks could be considered “gentle giants.” Some sharks are truly dangerous. The great white shark and the tiger shark are just two of the most well-known hunters. On the other hand, humans are also hunters. People kill thousands of sharks a year to make food and products to sell. Who do you think are the most dangerous predators?

Select the best summary of the passage.

A) All about sharks

B) Sharks never run out of teeth

C) People kill thousands of sharks a year making humans more dangerous to sharks than sharks are to humans.

D) Sharks are known for being dangerous predators, but not all are ferocious

A) All about sharks-this is too vague and does not include any of the passage content

B) Sharks never run out of teeth-this is only a portion of the passage and does not include the part about not all sharks are dangerous

C) People kill thousands of sharks a year making humans more dangerous to sharks than sharks are to humans.- This is not stated in the passage

D) Sharks are known for being dangerous predators, but not all are ferocious-this is the best fit because the bulk of the article is talking about how dangerous sharks are.


Identify the text structure.

Sojourner Truth- Fighter for Freedom 

Like many slaves, Sojourner Truth spent much of her young life unable to read or write. At the age of 30, Sojourner already had 5 children. Although her master promised her freedom, he changed his mind. At this point, she decided to run away to New York. While there, she earned money as a maid and cook. Sojourner was much happier, but she wanted more. As time passed, she felt a calling. Sojourner left New York at age 46 to go on a lifelong trip. She left with a bag of clothes and twenty-five cents. She would go on to give speeches for freedom and against slavery for more than 30 years.

Chronological- fits best because the author is give an order of events in the life of Sojourner Truth. Using these events, you could create a timeline proving it is chronological order. 


Identify the text structure.

A Modern Day Marvel

The Titanic was built in Belfast, Ireland over the course of three years. It cost 7.5 million dollars and took 3,000 men to build the 882 foot ship. Watertight compartments made it “unsinkable” in the event of a collision, and the four funnels were made to make the ship look more grand than most ships of the time.

Description- The author is describing all aspects of the Titanic from how long it took to be built, how long it was, to how it was allegedly "unsinkable." This is a good description for anyone that does not know what the Titanic was.


What is the term for text that divides different sections of information within a chapter?

Subheadings- usually printed in bold or larger text, subheadings help locate information that is more detailed than the chapter title or heading. 


Chapter 4-Spaghetti

Subheading- Cooking

Subheading- Selecting a sauce


Elias was assigned a big project in his social studies class. He wanted to do well on the project, but he knew it was a lot of work. He thought it would be boring, too. Elias had two weeks until the due date. Elias could have gone home and started the project. Instead, he put it off. He went skateboarding with his friends at the park, and he played video games with his brother. When his mom suggested he clean his room, Elias happily cleaned. He chose to do anything other than the project. Elias suddenly panicked as he remembered the due date. The project was due tomorrow! He hadn’t even started. He turned in work he was not proud of. As a result, he did not get a good grade. If only he had spent more time on it. Elias wished he had been more responsible. 

What is the best summary of the text?

A) Elias got in trouble for not doing his project on time.

B) Elias put off doing his project and ultimately did not produce work he was proud of.

C) Elias got a bad grade on his project.

D) Elias got in trouble with his mom for not spending more time on his project.

A) Elias got in trouble for not doing his project on time.- He did not get in trouble, he just suffered the consequences of his own actions.

B) Elias put off doing his project and ultimately did not produce work he was proud of.- This is the best fit because the focus of the text was on Elias procrastinating and as a result did not do well on his project because it was rushed.

C) Elias got a bad grade on his project.- Although this is true, it does not give enough information. The text focuses on his procrastination, not on the grade.

D) Elias got in trouble with his mom for not spending more time on his project.-The text does not focus on him getting in trouble with his mom.


Like it or not, your body is teeming with trillions of bugs — microbial cells, that is. Thinking about these bacteria and other microorganisms that you host both outside and inside your body might leave you feeling queasy. Still, they’re actually critical to maintaining your health, from your weight to your mood. What’s more, this microbial community serves as a unique identifier that contains clues to understanding the past, present, and future of its host. That’s why researchers are paying more and more attention to these communities and the genes contained within (commonly called the “microbiome”).

Which is the best summary? 

A) It is important to take care of your body and make sure you have the right amount of microbial cells. 

B) Microorganisms live both inside and outside of the body. 

C) Many people are unaware of all the bugs that live in their bodies at any given time. 

D) Our body is full of microscopic bugs that are important to our health and future.

D) Our body is full of microscopic bugs that are important to our health and future.-this is the best fit because the purpose of the passage is to educate the reader about microscopic bugs on your body and their importance. 

A) It is important to take care of your body and make sure you have the right amount of microbial cells. - Although the passage mentions it is important to maintaining your health, the passage is not mainly about how to maintain the the right amount of microbial cells.

B) Microorganisms live both inside and outside of the body. -This is true, but not the best summary because other critical information is mentioned such as understanding the host.

C) Many people are unaware of all the bugs that live in their bodies at any given time. -The focus of the text is not that people don't know about the bugs. The focus is on the impact of the bugs.
