Text Details and Inferences
Main Idea and Supporting Details
Text Structure
_______ are people or animals that the story is about.
Using clues from the text and your own experiences to figure out something that the author doesn't directly tell you is called an ________.
The _________ of a passage is what the passage is mainly about.
main idea
Theme is best described as.....
The message, moral, or lesson of a story.
Text structure means _____________.
how the text is organized.
We describe characters by looking at their _____, _____, and ______.
words, thoughts, actions
Erin has been preparing for basketball tryouts. She has had her older brother practice with her every afternoon for weeks. Erin has had dreams about starting at point guard. On the morning of tryouts, her stomach began to ache. Which inference is best supported by the information? A. Erin deserves to earn a spot on the team. B. Erin is nervous about tryouts. C. Erin works hard for what she wants. D. Erin is sick, so she can't go to tryouts.
B. Erin is nervous about tryouts.
______ are facts, examples, or other pieces of information that back up or strengthen the main idea.
Supporting details
To determine the theme of a passage, you should look at.... A. the character's words B. the title C. the character's actions D. all of the above
D. all of the above
Chronology means the author organizes information __________.
From first to last Using dates and times
Dear Diary, What a morning I woke up to! Last night, some people threw boxes of tea into Boston Harbor. I think this was a big waste of tea, and now my father won't have any tea to sell in his store. This means he won't make as much money. This tea problem is making a big mess for our family. I hope everything works out soon. Talk to you tomorrow, Jane Which word best describes how Jane is probably feeling? A. Excited B. Worried C. Sleepy D. Lazy
B. Worried
It was the first day of summer break. Sandy and Bridget were spending the day at the beach with Grandpa. As always, Grandpa was willing to spoil the girls. He bought them ice cream, popcorn, cotton candy, hot dogs, and pizza in less than an hour. While it was fun to enjoy, the girls soon began to feel ill. Based on the passage, which of the following is most likely true? A. The girls feel ill from too much excitement. B. The girls feel ill because they are tired. C. The girls feel ill because the beach is too hot. D. The girls feel ill from too much junk food.
D. The girls feel ill from too much junk food.
Enormous the Elephant escaped from the circus train last Friday and is running loose! Peanut stands have been raided and cars and park benches have been smashed flat. If you happen to spot Enormous, please phone the police. Do not try to capture her on your own because she is trunked and dangerous! Which title best fits the story? A. Elephant on the Loose! B. Poor Park Benches C. Elephants are the Best! D. All About Elephants
A. Elephant on the Loose!
A little boy finds a bird with a broken wing. He nurses the bird back to health, and then he keeps it in a cage. But the bird is sad and does not sing. So the boy lets it go. The bird is then happy and sits in a nearby tree singing all day. This makes the boy happy, too. The theme of the passage is best described as: A. Money can't buy you happiness. B. If you love something, set it free. C. You should always be honest. D. Birds should always sing.
B. If you love something, set it free.
Riding a skateboard without pads is dangerous. There are many ways to get hurt if you don't wear proper protection. If you are not wearing wrist guards and you put out your hand to break your fall, you can break your wrist. If you land on your knees without kneepads, you can skin your knees. Due to the dangers of skateboarding, it is smart to wear the right equipment. Which event in the passage can lead to you breaking your wrist?
If you do not wear wrist guards and you put your hand out to break your fall
Narcissus was a young man who was very handsome, but he was also very proud of his looks. One day when he was out hunting, Narcissus stopped to get a drink from a stream. He saw his own reflection in the stream and fell in love with himself. He liked his own beauty so much that he could not leave the stream, and he eventually died by the stream. Based on this passage, how would you best describe Narcicuss? A. Nervous B. Outgoing C. Brokenhearted D. Self-centered
D. Self-centered
There was a massive storm up ahead. The pilot had to be alert for trouble as he approached the clouds. He was very careful when it came to the safety of his passengers. He did not want to put the plane on autopilot. He knew he had to fly the plane through the storm himself. So the pilot flew the plane manually. What can you infer about the pilot? A. He is a rich man. B. He does not care about the weather. C. He is a safe pilot. D. He does not like flying airplanes.
C. He is a safe pilot.
Consider the main idea: Pop singers have lives full of luxury. All of the following details support this main idea EXCEPT: A. Many pop singers fly in private jets. B. It is common for pop stars to own mansions and fancy cars. C. Pop stars are very talented and well-known. D. Some pop stars make enough money to have personal chefs and trainers.
C. Pop stars are very talented and well-known.
"Better Than Gold" King Midas saw a wounded man lying in his garden. The wounded man turned out to be a powerful god. In return for Midas helping him, the man gave Midas a wish. Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. At first, Midas enjoyed touching things and having them turn to gold. He went to show his beloved daughter his special power, but when he touched her she froze and turned to gold. Midas realized that his family was more important than gold and had the god remove his "golden touch." How does the title relate to the story's theme? A. Wounded gods are better than gold. B. Not many things are better than gold. C. Family is better than gold. D. Help from gods is better than gold.
C. Family is better than gold.
There are several reasons that I have chosen not to eat candy. First of all, candy sticks to my braces. Also, I have had three cavities and getting them filled is not fun. Third, when I eat more than one piece of candy, I often start to feel sick. For those reasons, I have decided to stop eating candy. This passages BEST describes events using which structure?
Problem and solution
Narcissus was a young man who was very handsome, but he was also very proud of his looks. One day when he was out hunting, Narcissus stopped to get a drink from a stream. He saw his own reflection in the stream and fell in love with himself. He liked his own beauty so much that he could not leave the stream, and he eventually died by the stream. How does the setting in the story affect Narcissus? A. It makes him appreciate others. B. It helps him to catch a deer. C. It makes him fall in love with himself. D. It teaches him to learn to ask for help.
C. It makes him fall in love with himself.
There was a massive storm up ahead. The pilot had to be alert for trouble as he approached the clouds. He was very careful when it came to the safety of his passengers. He did not want to put the plane on autopilot. He knew he had to fly the plane through the storm himself. So the pilot flew the plane manually. Infer the meaning of "manually" in the last line of the text. A. With a computer program B. Using an instructional manual C. With another pilot D. Using a hand-held controller
D. Using a hand-held controller
Life for slaves in early America was hard and sad. Slaves were expected to work all day from sunrise to sunset. They tended crops, such as cotton, and usually had to take care of plantation animals. To make matters worse, most slave owners kept slaves separated from their families. It was the worst life anyone could imagine. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Slaves were members of their owner's family. B. Slaves had a hard life in early America. C. Slaves were expected to take care of animals. D. Slaves received few breaks throughout the day.
B. Slaves had a hard life in early America.
"Better Than Gold" King Midas saw a wounded man lying in his garden. The wounded man turned out to be a powerful god. In return for Midas helping him, the man gave Midas a wish. Midas wished that everything he touched would turn to gold. At first, Midas enjoyed touching things and having them turn to gold. He went to show his beloved daughter his special power, but when he touched her she froze and turned to gold. Midas realized that his family was more important than gold and had the god remove his "golden touch." Describe a possible theme for "Better Than Gold."
Answers could include: Be careful what you wish for. People are more important than possessions.
My pets, a dog and snake, are very different from each other. My dog is hairy, but my snake is scaly. My dog needs a lot of exercise. ______, my snake spends much of the day sleeping. My dog likes to be around people, while my snake prefers to be left alone. I love both of my pets, but they are very different animals. Which word would best fit in the blank? A. In contrast B. Likewise C. In addition D. So
A. In contrast