What is it Asking?
Figurative Language
What is the Meaning?
Main Idea vs. Theme
Twas the Night Before EOGS

Read the question below and tell me what is it asking you to look for in the text?

What is the purpose of the sentence in Paragraph 4?

A. Theme

B. Definition

C. Main Idea

D. Shifts in Character

C. Main Idea

Key words and phrases such as purpose, central idea, and topic, idicate that we need to look for the main idea of the topic.


What form of figurative language is written below:

It was like she was a bird soaring through the sky.

A. Simile

B. Metaphor

C. Hyperbole

D. Onomatapeia

A. Simile


What is the meaning of the word cadaver?

The police looked at the cadaver before it was sent to the coroner's office.

Dead body


What is theme?

The moral, message, and lesson of the story.


What do you think your should the morning of an EOG?

A. A nutrious breakfast

B. Energy drinks

C. Flavor packets

D. Nothing at all

A. A nutrious breakfast

Examples include:

Fruit, Cereal, Toast, Oatmeal, Grits, Eggs, etc.


Read the question below and tell me what is it asking you to look for in the text?

What sentence describes the theme of happiness in Paragraph 2?

A. Theme

B. Point of View

C. Main Idea

D. Definition

A. Theme

Key words such as theme and morals/message/lesson indicate that we need to look for the theme of a text.


What form of figurative language is written below:

This line is taking forever

A. Idiom

B. Metaphor

C. Hyperbole

D. Alliteration

C. Hyperbole


What is the meaning of the word cantankorous?

He threw a cantankorous fit because the cafeteria ran out of cheeseburgers.

Bad-tempered and uncooperative


What is a main idea?

The main point/main concept of a text.

True or False:

It's 100% ok to pull an allnighter studying for an exam.


While studying is essential to achieve academic success, getting proper sleep is also vital to the informational retention process.

The best thing to do is study, then rest.


Read the question below and tell me what is it asking you to look for in the text?

What is the meaning of the word "ornery" as it states in Paragraph 7?

A. Theme

B. Definition

C. Main Idea

D. Shifts in Character

B. Definition


What form of figurative language is written below:

She sells seashells by the seashore.

A. Hyperbole

B. Metaphor

C. Idiom

D. Alliteration

D. Alliteration


What is the meaning of the word gallantly?

The prince gallantly offered Rapunzel a rose after rescuing her from the tower.

Noble and brave


Is it a main idea or theme?

Sal embarks on a road trip with her grandparents to visit her mother's grave and tells them the story of her best friend Pheobe.

Main Idea

Do I need to bring anything for the exam?

You only need your laptop and your charger.


Read the question below and tell me what is it asking you to look for in the text?

How does the author develop Kari's point of view throughout the selection?

A. Theme

B. Definiton

C. Main Idea

D. Point of View

D. Point of View


What form of figurative language is written below:

The mouse ran down the hallway being chased by the cat.

A. Simile

B. Personification

C. Hyperbole

D. Imagery

B. Personification


What is the meaning of the word diabolic?

Pheobe had thought it was someone diabolic leaving the notes, only for it to be Mrs. Partridge.

Evil and unpleasant


Is it a main idea or theme?

Wilbur learned that friendship is prevelant despite the challenges he and his best friend Charlotte faced.


True or False:

I can use my EOG packet to help me study for my exam?


You can take your study packets home and use them to help you study, but they must be returned by Monday.

(I will be keeping track of who took theirs home)


Read the question below and tell me what is it asking you to look for in the text?

How was Sal changed from the beginning of the selection to the end?

A. Theme

B. Shifts in Character

C. Main Idea

D. Definition

B. Shifts in Character


What form of figurative language is written below:

It raining cats and dogs

A. Idiom

B. Metaphor

C. Hyperbole

D. Imagery

A. Idiom

What is the meaning of the word ornery?

Susan was an ornery old lady who did not agree with anyone.

Irritable and cranky


Is it a main idea or theme?

Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world, located in the Himalayas, and climbers face difficult conditions when attempting to reach its summit.

Main Idea


What is a testing irregularity?

Bonus 100 points if you can tell me examples of testing irregularities/what happens should testing irregularities occur.

Any incident in the test handling or administration that leads to a question regarding the security of the test or the accuracy of the test data.


Having your phone out, talking during exam, cheating/plagerism, becoming ill, leaving the testing site without permission/proper escort, refusal to go to proper testing site etc.

What happens if it happens: Students may need to be retested depending on the severity of the irregularity.
