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Able to be liked.
Cheetahs are beautiful, spotted cats that live in the grasslands and bushy areas of Africa and the Middle East. One of the fastest animals on earth, a cheetah can run up to 70 miles per hour! After chasing and killing its prey, a cheetah my need up to half an hour to catch its breath before eating. From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. A cheetah only eats meat. B. A cheetah hides in the bush while hunting its prey. C. A cheetah could beat you in a race.
C. A cheetah could beat you in race.
What does the word "tolerate" mean in the sentence below? Our teacher announced that she would not tolerate rudeness or gum chewing in class. A. punish B. put up with C. explain
B. put up with
Noah sat down at his desk and looked around his new classroom. Next to him, a couple of kids were talking about the football game they won the night before, and many other students were talking and laughing. Noah really wished he had someone to talk to, but all the faces were unfamiliar to him. Noah knew it would take time to make new friends, but right now he was lonely. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Noah felt lonely in his new school. B. Noah wanted to join the football team. C. Noah liked his new school.
A. Noah felt lonely in his new school.
Jim is starting an exercise program. He is going to work out at the gym on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He will work out for one hour each time. Jim is also going to ride his bike for 30 minutes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He will usually ride 3-4 miles on those days. In addition, Jim is going to walk for 45 minutes every Tuesday, and he will jog for 30 minutes on Thursdays. Which day of the week does Jim spend the most time exercising? A. Mondays B. Tuesdays C. Thursdays
B. Tuesdays
View before.
Dante makes sure he's at all of the important events in his community. He carries notebooks and pens everywhere he goes, in case something exciting happens. Through the years, Dante has learned lots of different strategies for interviewing people. He wants to make sure the information he writes up at the end of the day is correct. From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. Dante is a police officer. B. Dante is a teacher. C. Dante is a newspaper reporter.
C. Dante is a newspaper reporter.
Choose the best word to complete the sentence below. The delicious ______________ of fresh bread and floated out of the bakery, up the street, and into Corey's nostrils. A. fragrance B. flavor C. sandwich
A. fragrance
Plants need three things to grow properly. They need light, water, and soil. If a plant is deprived of any one of these basic needs, it will not grow the way it should and will most likely die. For example, you can conduct a simple experiment by placing one plant in sunlight while placing one plant in a dark closet or drawer. In a matter of days, you should be able to see how a lack of light affects the health of your plant. What is the main idea of the passage? A. Plants cannot grow in a closet. B. Plants need water more than sunshine. C. Plants need light, water, and soil to grow.
C. Plants need light, water, and soil to grow.
On Saturday, Brandon and Ed decided to go to the movies. They wanted to go to the local theater which, by car, is only 10 minutes from their house. Both boys really wanted to see the new space movie, so they looked in the paper to see when it was playing. They were excited to see that the movie was playing at three different times. The movie started at 11:00 AM, 1:30 PM, and 4:00 PM. Brandon's mom said she would give them a ride to the movies and pick them up, but she had a three hour appointment at 12:00. Which of the movie times would be the best for the boys to go to? A. 11:00 AM B. 1:30 PM C. 4:00 PM
C. 4:00 PM
To make sharp.
In training to be a knight, a boy was expected to study hard and learn good manners. He was taught to play musical instruments, sing, and recite poetry. He also studied reading, writing, geometry, and strategy games. Another knight would then teach the boy how to shoot a bow and arrow, fight with a sword and ride a horse. From this paragraph, you can infer that A. All boys wanted to become knights. B. Knights had a well-rounded education. C. Knights were loyal to the king.
B. Knights had a well-rounded education.
What does "quenched" mean in the following sentence? Before we crawled into our sleeping bags, Dad quenched our campfire with a bucket of water. A. started B. built up C. put out
C. put out
Mia could almost see the winged horse as it soared through the air. She could even imagine its long, white tail streaming behind it. Also flying in the air was a tiny elf who sprinkled golden fairy dust over the town below. Then suddenly, the light came on. "Go to bed," Mom told Mia. "You can finish your book tomorrow." What is the main idea of the passage? A. Mia is reading a fairy tale. B. Mia's favorite stories are fairy tales. C. Mia believes in unicorns.
A. Mia is reading a fairy tale.
Madeleine was doing research on people who made great contributions to earth and space sciences. She learned that many discoverers were ahead of their time with brilliant research and findings. For example, Copernicus believed in a sun-centered universe. Galileo developed the first high-grade telescope, and Halley predicted the return dates of Halley's Comet. Kepler proved that planets revolved around the sun in ellipses, and Hubble developed the key to calculating how quickly the universe is growing. Who proved that planets revolved around the sun in ellipses? A. Copernicus B. Halley C. Kepler
C. Kepler
To fill again.
Before the Industrial Revolution, most cloth was made by hand in people's homes. They used spinning wheels and weaving looms to make their own clothes. This took a lot of hard work! But during the Industrial Revolution, machine were built that made great quantities of good cloth very quickly. Machines were built to make other products as well. From this paragraph, you can infer that: A. Making cloth became easier after the Industrial Revolution. B. Making cloth became more difficult after the Industrial Revolution. C. People like machine-made clothes better than hand-made clothes.
A. Making cloth became easier after the Industrial Revolution.
Choose the best word to complete the sentence. The raven's _________ black feathers were shining like silver in the bright sun. A. light B. dusty C. glossy
C. glossy
Both the octopus and the chameleon are animals that can camouflage themselves. This means they can change the color and texture of their skin to blend into their surroundings. For example, an octopus can turn red to match a coral background or look pebbly and sandy like the ocean floor. Chameleons use a similar method to look like a rock or the bark on a tree branch. What is the main idea of the passage? A. An octopus can look like a piece of coral. B. Octopuses and chameleons are colorful animals. C. Octopuses and chameleons can be camouflaged.
C. Octopuses and chameleons can be camouflaged.
Many presidents are associated with nicknames, quotations, programs or important events. For example, President Martin Buren was known as the Little Magician. President John F. Kennedy is associated with saying, "Ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country." Franklin D. Roosevelt stated "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." People associate the Fair Deal with President Harry S. Truman. President Abraham Lincoln is credited with the end of slavery. Which of the following presidents is associated with an important event? A. Martin Van Buren B. John F Kennedy C. Abraham Lincoln
C. Abraham Lincoln
Shy quality.
In the early 1900s, women began fighting for equal rights in society, including education and property. However, "suffrage" (the right to vote) became the most important issue. Men over 21 had been given the right to vote 50 years earlier. Finally, in 1920, women got what they wanted! The 19th amendment was passed. From the passage, you can infer: A. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. B. The 19th Amendment gave women equal pay for the same work. C. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to be teachers.
A. The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote.
What does "boisterous" mean in the following sentence? We could hear the shouts and laughter of children playing a boisterous game. A. noisy and rowdy B. boring C. spelling
A. noisy and rowdy
Gold is very valuable and has many uses. Long ago, coins were made from gold, and for thousands of years, people have worn gold jewelry. It is also used in decorations, electronic parts and in some medical treatments. Because it reflect sunlight, gold was used to coat the Apollo spacecraft in order to protect it from solar heat. Although it has many uses and is found in many places around the world, gold is still considered to be rare. What is the main idea? A. Gold Jewelry is beautiful. B. Gold is used in many different ways. C. Gold is found all around the world.
B. Gold is used in many different ways.
Cesar Chavez was spokesman for Mexican Americans. Growing up as soon as the son of migrant farm workers, he was aware of the terrible working conditions his parents faced. Chavez wanted better, safer working environments and better wages for the farm workers. During the 1970s and 1980s, he organized boycotts that spread throughout the country. He asked consumers not to purchase some items grown on farms, such as lettuce and grapes for wine, until the working conditions improved. Cesar Chavez helped to improve the work environment for those who labored on farms. What was Cesar Chavez fighting for? A. more boycotts B. improved work conditions and wages for farm laborers C. benefits for consumers
B. improved work conditions and wages for farm laborers