Main Ideas
Making Inferences
Context Clues
Figurative Language

Dogs and wolves are part of the same animal family. Both animals have strong senses of smell and are loyal to their packs. But dogs and wolves are quite different when it comes to people. Dogs are used to living with people and get along well with them. In fact, dogs have been called "man's best friend." Wolves, on the other hand, cannot live with humans. Wolves prefer to live in the wild, where they can hunt for their food. Clearly, dogs belong with people, while wolves do not

What is the main idea?

  A. Dogs are better suited to living with people than   wolves are.

  B. Wolves and dogs are members of the same animal   family, so they have many things in common.

A. Dogs are better suited to living with people than wolves are.


Elizabeth Blackwell was the first woman in the U.S. to attend medical school and become a doctor. Blackwell was turned down by 16 medical schools before she was accepted as a student in 1847. When she first became a doctor, she had few patients. Many people didn’t want to a “lady doctor.” Difficulty didn’t stop Blackwell. She opened a clinic in 1853 and then a hospital in 1857 to serve women and children who did not have the money to pay other doctors.

Based on the text, which of the following words BEST describe Elizabeth Blackwell?

A. difficult and impatient

B. honest and friendly

C. smart and determine

smart and determined


Carnivorous plants include pitcher plants, Venus flytraps, and sundews. Since most carnivorous plants live in habitats where there are not many minerals in the soil, they get their nutrients from animals instead. A few of these plants snare animals as large as mice, but most eat only insects. Once an insect is caught, juices called enzymes begin to digest it, and within a few days, the insect’s body is gone. Now the plant has the nutrients it needs!

Based on the text, which of the following words is a synonym for “carnivorous”?

A. exotic

B. meat-eating

C. dangerous

B. meat-eating


Bud walked over to the woodpile as cool as a cucumber. 

What type of figurative language is this an example of? 

A. simile

B. metaphor 

C. hyperbole

D. idiom

A. simile


A stereotype is when people are categorized based on some feature that they have (race, gender, religion, etc.). 

Which of the following is an example of a stereotype? 

a. Men are tough and strong- they fix things and  carry things and buy things, and they never cry.

b. Children are sweet and helpless.

c. Women are nurturing-they cook and take care of kids and love pets and never argue.

d. All of the above

d. All of the above


During the American Civil War, soldiers were supposed to be at least eighteen years old. Because of the great need for soldiers, however, both sides accepted younger people. Thousands of boys between thirteen and seventeen fought for the North and the South. Even boys as young as ten could be drummers or messengers. Drummers used different drum rolls to send messages on the battlefield. Messengers were fast runners who passed messages between officers. In fact, so many boys served in the Civil War that it became known as "The Boys' War.”

What is the main idea?

  A. The North and South allowed boys to fight because   they needed soldiers so badly.

  B. Ten-year-old boys served as messengers or   drummers during the Civil War. 

A. The North and South allowed boys to fight because they needed soldiers so badly.


Vincent van Gogh (van GOH) was a Dutch painter who lived from 1853 to 1980. He painted landscapes, people, and himself. He did not try to make his subjects look real. Instead, he tried to show how he felt about them. He used bold colors and think pain to make powerful images. Van Gogh made over 800 paintings in just 10 years. He sold only one of them during his life. After he died, his work became famous. Now his art sells for millions of dollars!

After reading the text, what conclusion can you make about Vincent van Gogh?

A. He was not a good painter, because he couldn’t make his subjects look real.

B. He got rich selling his paintings for millions of dollars.

C. He spent a lot of time painting even though he did not make very much money from it.

C. He spent a lot of time painting even though he did not make very much money from it.


While the first Olympic Games were held in Greece centuries ago, the modern games were founded in 1894 by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). In the past, both the Winter and Summer Olympic Games were held in the same year. Four years would pass before the next round of Olympic Games. After the 1994 winter games in Norway, the IOC decided to separate the games. Today, the Winter and Summer Olympic Games alternate every two years. 

What does the word “alternate” mean in this text?

A. different or unusual

B. to take turns

C. to occur 

B. to take turns


The singer’s voice was the sun bursting through the clouds. 

What type of figurative language is this an example of?

A. simile

B. metaphor 

C. hyperbole

D. idiom

B. metaphor


Bias - A strong opinion or feeling formed beforehand based on how you were raised or sometimes without thought or reason.

Example: Everyone knows that blonde hair is the best!

Which of the following is biased?

A. The referee called a flag on the play.

B. The Titans won the game on Sunday.

C. The crowd booed when the referee called a flag on the play against the Titans.

D. The other team only scored one touchdown.

C. The crowd booed when the referee called a flag on the play against the Titans. 


In 1847, Charlotte Brontë and her sister Anne both published their first novels. The following year, their sister Emily also published a first novel. Charlotte's novel, Jane Eyre, was one of the best-sellers of 1847. Emily's novel, Wuthering Heights, was disliked at first but later became highly respected. Annes's first novel did not sell well, but her second novel did. How did three sisters from the same family all become published writers? Their childhood might have had something to do with it. When Charlotte and Emily were young girls, they made up stories about an imaginary land called Angria. They filled notebooks with stories about Angria. When Anne was old enough, she joined in. It could be that their early years helped the girls to develop their creativity and storytelling abilities.

What is the Main Idea?

A.The Bronte sisters’ childhood storytelling may have helped their future writing careers.

B.While Charlotte Bronte’s first novel was a best-seller, her sister Emily’s first novel was not immediately successful.

A.The Bronte sisters’ childhood storytelling may have helped their future writing careers.


Did you know that Vikings came to North America hundreds of years before Christopher Columbus did? About 1,000 years ago, the Vikings set sail from Greenland to a land they called Vinland. Old writings tell us Leif Erikson and his crew settled there. Vikings built houses, traded, and fought with the native people. In 1960, the ruins of ancient sod houses were found in Canada. A small stone lamp, a bone needle, and jewelry were also uncovered. These are items Vikings were known to use.

What conclusion can you make based on the last sentence of the text?

A. Vikings were probably the ones who settled in Canada and built the sod houses.

B. Vikings liked to wear a lot of jewelry.

C. Viking buried their belongings so no one would steal them.

A.Vikings were probably the ones who settled in Canada and built the sod houses.


Some historians believe that popcorn was served at the first Thanksgiving. However, this theory has not yet been proved. We do know that some native tribes brought popcorn to meetings with settlers as a token of friendship. The settlers were excited about this new food. They grew corn in their gardens and ate popcorn for breakfast with cream and sugar. By the 1890’s, popcorn was a populawr treat in the United States!

What does the word “token” mean in this text?

A. a kind of money

B. a snack food

C. a sign or symbol

C. a sign or symbol


The MAP test was a piece of cake! 

What type of figurative language is this an example of?

A. simile

B. metaphor 

C. hyperbole

D. idiom

D. idiom


What is the difference between a story told in first person and third person? 

First Person – told by a person in the story

Third Person – told by a person not in the story


English explorer Henry Hudson made four voyages to find a northern route to Asia. Each time, thick ocean ice brought his trips to an end. Though he never found a northern route, Hudson still became famous. On his voyages, he explored the eastern waterways of North America. He also discovered what would become known as Hudson Bay. A river, bridges, schools, and even towns now bear his name. His efforts helped light the way for more Europeans to settle in North America.

What is the Main Idea?

A.Henry Hudson never reached his goal, but he is still one of the best-known explorers.

B. Henry Hudson tried four times to find a northern route to Asia but had no success.

A.Henry Hudson never reached his goal, but he is still one of the best-known explorers.


At one time, Harry Houdini was the world’s most famous magician. He performed all over the globe from 1893 to 1926. Houdini is best remembered for being an escape artist. During his career, he escaped from chains, ropes, jail cells, locked crates, and coffins sunk in water. He boasted that he could escape from any handcuffs ever made. He even offered a reward to anyone who made handcuffs Houdini could not escape. No one ever collected the money.

Which of the following conclusions can you make based on the last sentence of the text?

A. Houdini is most famous for escaping from a coffin sunk in water.

B. Houdini like to brag about the magic tricks he could do.

C. No one was ever able to make handcuffs Houdini could not escape. 

C. No one was ever able to make handcuffs Houdini could not escape.


The Pony Express began in April 1860. The route covered about 2,000 miles between Missouri and California. Pony Express riders who carried mail on horseback were tough and courageous. They faced many dangers on their rides. The trails were rugged, and the riders didn’t stop for darkness or bad weather. They had to ford rivers and pass over high mountains. Although several riders were hurt or killed, only one mail pouch failed to reach its destination. 

In this text, what does the word “ford” mean? 

A. to build a bridge

B. to climb up

C. to wade across

C. to wade across


I’ve told you a million times to do your homework.

What type of figurative language is this an example of?

A. simile

B. metaphor

C. hyperbole

D. idiom

C. hyperbole


Match the following!!!

A. a text explaining how crocodiles and alligators are similar and different

B. a text about how technology has changed through the years

C. a text with strategies of how to help our community with pollution

D. a text describing how pollution has negative consequences for our community 

1.) chronological

2.) compare and contrast

3.) cause and effect

4.) problem and solution

1. B

2. A

3. D

4. C


Computer-science skills are important in today's world. In countries such as Britain, China, and Vietnam, most students learn computer programming, also called coding. However, few American schools offer computer-science classes. A group called believes this should be changed. The group provides a first step in bringing computer science to U.S. schools. They offer a service called Hour of Code. Hour of Code gives students one hour of free online computer-science classes. hopes this program will encourage all schools to teach computer programming.

What is the Main Idea? offers a way for more students to learn computer science. believes that not enough schools in the U.S. offer computer-science classes. offers a way for more students to learn computer science.


Wetlands are part land and part water. They can be found in low areas both along the coast and inland. The water in wetlands is shallow. Salt marshes near the ocean are wetlands fed by the tides. Swamps are a kind of wetland far from the coast. Swamps are fed by rivers and streams or water from underground. The water in them is fresh. Wetlands are home to many types of animals. You can find hundreds of species of birds, insects, and fish there. 

Which of the following statements is BEST supported by the text?

A. Wetlands can be either saltwater or freshwater.

B. Wetlands are only found near the coast.

C. Salt marshes are fed by underground rivers. 

A. Wetlands can be either saltwater or freshwater.


Communicating means giving and receiving information. People communicate by speaking, writing letters, and more. Animals communicate with each other, too. Dolphins use sound to communicate with other dolphins in their pods. Each animals has its own special whistle. Dolphin calves quickly learn their mothers’ sounds. Dolphins also make clicks and creaks. They listen to the echoes that their sounds make as they bounce off things. This helps them find food.

What does the word “pods” mean in this text?

A. groups of animals

B. the shells or cases of seeds

C. parts of a ship or airplane 

A. groups of animals 


The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky.

What type of figurative language is this an example of?

A. metaphor

B. alliteration

C. personification

D. onomatopoeia 

C. personification


Based on the root struct, what is the meaning of the word construct? 

A. to build

B. to tear down

C. something that has been built

A. to build
