Reading 5th Grade
Writing 5th Grade
Language Arts
Vocab 5th Grade
5th Grade
Point of View 5th Grade

What is the prefix in the word "submarine?"

What is the sub?


What do transition words do?

Help a story flow smoothly.


What is a narrator?

Person who tells the story.


What is wrong with this sentence?

i can't wait for summer!

Capitalize the I


Thinking you made the wrong choice, you stand up planning to walk out the door and just go home anyway, but you find yourself walking down the hallway with Mr. Grady. You feel like you are floating. Soon you are in an area that you have never been to before.

What point of view is this? 

Second person


Having plenty of water can help make your skin clearer.  Drinking water helps your eyes stay bright. Getting enough water can help you feel less tired.

What is the main idea?

Drinking water can help you look and feel better.


This type of writing talks about the similarities and differences between people, places, things etc. 

Compare & Contrast


The most exciting part of a story is called what? 



What is wrong with this sentence?

The little boy and dog were playing in the sun?

The sentence should end with a period not a question mark.


I'm so busy watching the dog I don't even notice it's started to rain. Don't bother me. Don't bother the dog, neither. I'm looking for the place I first saw him. Does he live here? I wonder.

What point of view is this?

First person


The queen bee can use her stinger to save the hive from another queen.  The queen bee lays all of the hive's eggs.  The queen bee sends messages to other bees in the hive.

What is the main idea?

The queen bee is an important part of the hive.


This type of writing tells a story.



What is the author's underlying message (or lesson to be learned) called in a story?

The theme


What is wrong with this sentence?

I went to the store and bought apples bananas and cookies.

It needs a comma after apples and bananas.


You sleep a long time. At one point you wake. Lerna has put food on a tray beside the bed: clear broth and sliced fruit and a cup of tea, all long gone to room temperature. You eat and drink, then go into the bathroom.

What point of view is this?

Second person


What do you use when you find the meaning of an unknown word within the text?

Context Clues


This type of writing is non-fiction and meant to inform the reader.

Informational text


What is plagiarism?

Taking someone else's words and saying they are yours.


How could we fix this sentence?

Drew washed the tomatoes, she chopped them.

Add the conjunction and.


Jane's curiosity turned to amazement when she saw Mr. Baxter march across the lawn, right up to the front of the yellow house. He took hammer and nails from his overall pocket and a sign from under his arm.

What point of view is this?

Third person


Bright and beautiful, marigolds add color to a garden. The heads of marigolds can be used as medicine. Marigolds can bring helpful bugs to a garden.

What is the main idea?

Marigolds are useful flowers.


This type of writing supports an opinion with facts and reasons, and includes a call to action.

Opinion Writing


What is paraphrasing?

Restating or rewriting someone else's thoughts or ideas in your own words.


How could you fix this sentence?

My friend lives in minneapolis, Minnesota.

Capitalize Minneapolis


Long ago there was no king in the land of the Danes, and they all wanted one. When a ship without sails or sailors came drifting in from sea, they went to meet it looking for a wonder, and sure enough there was a child in the ship. The child was curled asleep on a sheaf of ripe corn, with gold and swords heaped round about him.  What point of view is this?

Third person
