HCSS core value: deep admiration for someone's qualities or achievements
Define each letter in RACE:
Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain
Spell the main characters name:
Spell the main characters name:
True or false: ELA is the best subject in school.
HCSS core value: Being accountable or in charge over someone
What will your first THREE words be if defining a character trait?
One character trait / One applicable trait
What country does Hatchet take place?
Who is the main characters favorite comic book hero?
Spider Man
Unique angle of perspective (or position from the author) from either first or third. . .
Point of View
HCSS core value: never give up!
Which letter are you supporting your response with evidence from the text to support your answer?
What is one applicable character trait for the main character? (restate fully)
One applicable character trait for the main character is _______
What is one applicable character trait for the main character? (restate fully)
One applicable character trait for the main character is _____________
Grammer or grammar?
HCSS core value: the quality of being outstanding or extremely good
How many quotation marks do you need when citing?
What type of animal attacks and injures the main character? (two possible answers)
Porcupine or moose
The main character, Mike, and WHO go to the train station?
Little Kevin
What does ELA stand for?
English Language Arts
A collection of works or projects by an individual or organization
True or false: you should copy three paragraphs for your citation.
Who is the author of Hatchet?
Gary Paulson
Who is the author of Tight?
Torrey Maldonado
Writing was invented: 2,500, 5,000, 7,500, 10,000 years ago?