The word adhesive means...
What is "able to stick fast to a surface or object"?
The part of speech for the word addition is...
What is a "noun"?
Synonym for the word aggressive...
What is "hostile, belligerent, forceful, assertive, pushy, argumentative, confrontational"?
Meaning of the prefix inter-
What is "between/among/together"?
Percentage for senior week
What is "80%"?
The word aggravation means...
What is "to make worse or to intensify a situation"?
The part of speech for the word alliance is...
What is a "noun"?
Synonym for the word adhere...
What is "stick, cling, attach, obey, follow"?
Meaning of the prefix dif-, dis-, di-
What is "apart/different directions and not"?
Protagonist in the novel you are reading in ELA
Who is "Henrietta Lacks or Paul"?
An adversary is...
Who is "one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute"?
The part of speech for the word affect is...
What is a "verb"?
What is "confident, calm, sure, composed, unafraid"?
Base AND meaning: annotation
What is "nota and write/commentary/note"?
Numbers of letters in the alphabet
What is "26"?
The word adequate means...
The part of speech for the word adjacent is...
What is an "adjective"?
Antonym for the word adapt...
What is "refuse, reject"?
Base AND meaning: addition
What is "dit and give"?
There are ___ parts of speech
What is "8"?
The word adjudicate means...
What is "to make a formal judgment or decision about a problem or disputed matter"?
The part of speech for the word adjudicate is...
What is a "verb"?
Antonym for the word adept...
What is "amateur, novice, inept, mediocre"?
Base AND meaning: advertisement
What is "vert and turn"?
What is "****** acting bad but somebody gotta do it"?