The arid desert had little vegetation and hardly any rainfall. What does arid mean?
What is dry or lacking moisture?
This common theme is found in “The Tortoise and the Hare,” where slow and steady wins the race
What is perseverance?
The central idea of Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
What is racial equality and justice?
The word “and” is an example of this type of conjunction.
What is a coordinating conjunction?
Where should the comma go in this sentence? “After the party we went home.”
What is “After the party, we went home.”?
The scientist was elated when her experiment was a success. She danced around the lab in excitement. What does elated mean?
What is extremely happy or joyful?
A book about a character who learns to appreciate what they have instead of always wanting more often has this theme.
What is gratitude?
The central idea of Charlotte’s Web revolves around this strong emotional connection between Wilbur and Charlotte.
What is friendship?
“Because it was raining, we stayed inside.” The word “because” is an example of this type of conjunction.
What is a subordinating conjunction?
What is the purpose of the comma in this sentence? “I bought apples, oranges, bananas, and grapes.”
What is separating items in a list?
The ancient ruins were dilapidated, with crumbling walls and collapsed roofs. What does “dilapidated” mean?
What is run-down or in poor condition?
A novel where characters fight for their rights and demand justice often has this as its central theme.
What is equality or social justice?
If a passage describes the harmful effects of pollution on marine life, its central idea is likely about this.
What is environmental protection?
“Either we go to the park, or we stay home and watch a movie.” The conjunctions “either…or” are known as this type.
What is correlative conjunctions?
Insert the missing comma: “Yes I will be at the meeting.”
What is “Yes, I will be at the meeting.”?
Although the instructions were ambiguous, he managed to build the model airplane. What does “ambiguous” mean?
What is unclear or having multiple meanings?
A story about a young girl finding the courage to stand up to a bully demonstrates this theme.
What is bravery or courage?
The main idea of a news article detailing a recent law change and its effects on schools.
What is education policy reform?
The conjunction in the sentence: “I wanted to buy the shoes, but they were too expensive.”
What is “but”?
Why is a comma needed here? “My sister, who loves to bake, made a delicious cake.”
What is setting off a nonessential clause?
She was an adept pianist, performing complex pieces effortlessly. What does “adept” mean?
What is skilled or proficient?
Many classic stories, including “Romeo and Juliet,” explore this theme of devotion between two people.
What is love?
A biography that details the struggles and triumphs of an athlete who overcame great obstacles would likely have this central idea.
What is perseverance and resilience?
Identify the conjunction in the sentence: “Not only did she finish her homework, but she also cleaned her room.”
What is “not only…but also”?
Identify the incorrect comma usage in this sentence: “The weather was cold, but not too cold, for a walk.”
What is removing the second comma because it is unnecessary?