Which One Doesn't Belong?

What is the correct way to write this city and state?

A. everett washington

B. Everett Washington

C. Everett, Washington

D. eVeReTt WaShInGtOn!!

C. Everett, Washington


Maria and Marty wore garden gloves as they walked out the door. They had already placed the potting soil outside near the benches. In their hands, they each carried a packet of seeds. “The students are going to love this. It will be so beautiful when everything blooms in the spring!” Maria said to Marty.

What are Maria and Marty about to do?

They are going to plant a garden at a school. 

A student is writing a research report about how chocolate is made.  Which sentence has information that the student can use in her report?

A. Chocolate may help you stay alert. 

B. Today the country of Switzerland is famous for its chocolate. 

C. Americans eat an average of 11 pounds of chocolate each year. 

D. The journey to becoming chocolate first begins with a cacao seed.

D. The journey to becoming chocolate first begins with a cacao seed.


A student is writing a report about ice hockey. Which of the following two sources would most likely have information for the report?

A. Field Hockey: Taking It to the Grass - Learn the rules of field hockey, a popular outdoor sport.

B. A book titled Edges on the Ice: The Story of Olympic Figure Skater Anderw Smyth

C. Includes video clips and interviews with players from the best hockey championship games. 

D. A magazine article titled, "Come Into the Canadian Cold: A Brief History for the Canadian Hockey League"

E. - Learn the basics for beginning ice skaters. We offer videos and tips from experts.

F. - The place to shop for jerseys and caps for all your favorite hockey teams.

C. Includes video clips and interviews with players from the best hockey championship games. 

D. A magazine article titled, "Come Into the Canadian Cold: A Brief History for the Canadian Hockey League"


Read the passage and answer the question that follows.

1)Sara and Kim are good friends. 2)They play games, ride their bikes, and go shopping together. 3)Sara has a cat. 4)Sara and Kim ride their bikes to school together. 5)They spend the night at each others’ houses.

Which sentence doesn’t belong?

3) Sara has a cat. 

...sorry Sara, we don't need to know about your cat...


Which is the correct way to use punctuation in dialogue?

A. "I love dark chocolate" said Mrs. Elisara.

B. "I love dark chocolate," said Mrs. Elisara.

C. "I love dark chocolate said Mrs. Elisara"

D. I love "dark chocolate" said Mrs. Elisara. 

B. "I love dark chocolate," said Mrs. Elisara.


When kids get home from school, what is the first thing they do? Some turn on the TV to watch their favorite show.  Others play games on computers or tablets.  While these things are fun, sitting in front of a screen for hours is not healthy. Most experts agree that school-age children should cut down on "screen time." 

What does the phrase "screen time" suggest about the information in the passage? 

A. The passage will teach readers how to use a computer.

B. The passage will inform readers about television viewing safety.

C. The passage will show readers the process of making a film for the theater.

D. The passage will help readers understand the effects of overusing electronics.

D. The passage will help readers understand the effects of overusing electronics.


Tigers are a type of cat, but they are very different from house cats. Cats make noises like purring and meowing. Tigers roar very loudly. Tigers would not make good pets. Tigers also need a lot of space to live even though they mostly live alone. The main idea is: 

A. Cats make good pets

B. Tigers need to live in the wild

C. Tigers roar and cats purr

D.  Tigers are different from house cats

B. Tigers need to live in the wild


A student has made a plan for research.  Read the plan and the directions that follow. 

Which of these is the best source for the information needed to answer the research question?

A. An atlas that contains a map of Mexico

B. A book of drawings of different types of butterflies

C. A magazine article title "Tracking Monarchs on Their Long Journey"

D. An online article titled "How the Monarch's Bitter Taste Protects It from Birds"

C. A magazine article title "Tracking Monarchs on Their Long Journey"


Read the passage and answer the question that follows.

1)Mrs. Smart is my teacher. 2)I love having her as a teacher. 3)She is a really good teacher and really fun. 4)Sometimes she will even play basketball with us at recess. 5)I like playing tag. 6)Mrs. Smith uses funny voices when she reads stories to us. 7)Everyday before we go home she gives each of us a high five.

Which one doesn't belong?

5) I like playing tag.


In this compound sentence, which two words need a comma in between them?

We could go to the movies but it's less expensive to rent one. 

movies, but


As soon as the dog returned to the back patio, the owner said, “Oh, Champ! Not again. You can’t come into the house like that. Sit.” The owner walked to the side of the house, unraveled the hose, and dragged it to where Champ waited. He turned on the hose and sprayed the dog. The dirty water streamed on to the patio.

PART A: What inference can we make about Champ?

     A. He ran into the house

     B. He was muddy

     C. He jumped on his owner.

PART B: Which sentence(s) best support your answer?

     A. He turned on the hose and sprayed the dog. The dirty water streamed on the patio.

     B. The owner walked to the side of the house, unraveled the hose, and dragged it to where Champ waited.

     C. “You can’t come into the house like that.”


     B. He was muddy


     A. He turned on the hose and sprayed the dog. The dirty water streamed on the patio.


Lions live in groups called "prides." Everybody in the pride has a job. The males are in charge of protecting the pride from danger. The females hunt for food and take care of the cubs. The main idea is:

 A. Lions live in prides

 B. Male lions protect the pride. 

C. Female lions hunt for food.

D. Everybody in the pride has a job.

D. Everybody in the pride has a job.


A student's research question is, "How are the diets of tortoises and sea turtles different?"

Which website is the best source for the information needed to answer the research question?

A. - Interested in animals? Here you will find facts about animals, including how and where they live. 

B. www. - Learn how to set up a home for you four-legged, furry pets.  The more you know 

C. - Find pictures of several animals that live in a shell.  Discover some creatures you may be seeing for the first time. 

D. - Many groups of people have legends about certain animals. Explore legends of shelled creatures on our website.

A. - Interested in animals? Here you will find facts about animals, including how and where they live. 


Read the passage and answer the question that follows.

1)Violins and violas are very similar. 2)Both of them are string instruments that you might find in an orchestra. 3)You also could find a cello in an orchestra. 4)Violins and violas both have 4 strings that you could play by using a bow or by plucking. 5)Also, they are both played by being held between the shoulder and chin.

Which sentence doesn’t belong?

3)You also could find a cello in an orchestra.


Choose all of the following statements that are sentence fragments.

A. Yea, over there by flag.

B. A big grassy field in the park.

C. They felt much better.

D. Don't forget to raise your hand.

A & B


Benjamin was nervous for Saturday. He knew that his team would gather in the morning for a pep talk from their coach. Eleven of them would get on the field. Benjamin would find his spot between the goalposts and wait for the action to arrive. He hoped he would be stop any action from getting past him.

What inference can you make about what Benjamin will be doing on Saturday?  Use details from the text to support your answer.

Possible Answer: Benjamin will be the goalie at a soccer game.  In the text it says he “would find his spot between the goal posts and wait for the action to arrive.”


Scott was getting ready for his mom's birthday. He made her a gift, and he also decorated the house. He helped his dad frost the cake. Then Scott put candles on the cake. When he was ready to put the last candle on top, Scott accidentally knocked the cake off of the counter. When his dad asked what happened, Scott told him that it was an accident and he felt really bad. His dad gave him a hug and told him not to worry about. The two of them jumped in the car and picked out a new cake from the store just in time for the birthday celebration. 

What is the theme of this story?

Answers may vary... example: It's okay to make mistakes!


A student is writing a report on the settling of America. Read the sentences from a source and the directions that follow. 


In 1607, 144 people from England sailed to the New World. They came to set up a town on lands that are now in Virginia. They called their settlement Jamestown. Many of the settlers were not ready for their new way of life. Some of them had been businessmen in England, so they did not yet know how to build homes. Some also did not know how to grow crops. They came in search of riches and wasted much time looking for gold and solver. It was a difficult year, and many did not survive. 

In which part of the students report would the facts from the source best fit?

Part A: Columbus Discovers America 

Part B: Native American Lands

Part C: Exploring the New World

Part D: Settling in the New World

Part D: Settling in the New World


Read the passage and answer the question that follow.

1)Garfield is a comic strip featuring the cat Garfield, the pet dog Odie, and their socially awkward owner, Jon Arbuckle. 2)The main character is Garfield, who is a lazy, overweight, orange cat. 3)He considers himself to be more intelligent than humans or dogs. 4)He was named Garfield after his grandfather. 5)He hates Mondays and loves lasagna apparently.

Which sentence doesn’t belong?

4)He was named Garfield after his grandfather.


Rewrite the following sentences correctly.

my mom asked me if i was nervous for the SBA. i said no way, this is my greatest show?

My mom asked me if I was nervous for the SBA.  I said, "No way, this is my greatest show!"


Margorie hesitantly walked into her classroom on the ­first day of fifth grade. She spent most of the summer getting settled in her new house, so she had not been outside in the neighborhood much. She found the desk with her name on it. She looked around at the unfamiliar faces and wondered if she would ­find a best friend.

What can we infer about how Margorie is feeling?  Use details from the text to support your answer.

Example: Margorie is nervous about her new school. In the text it says, "she looked around at the unfamiliar faces and wondered if she would find a best friend."


Write sentence(s) that correctly use the homophones: there, they're, and their.

Answers may vary. Must show understanding of the homophone.

there: a direction (He walked over there.)

their: belonging to them (I went to their house for dinner.)

they're: contraction for they are (They're the smelliest vegetables in the world!)


A student is writing a report about how fossils form. The student found the following sources. Which source would most likely have information for the report?

A. Did you know that both plants and animals can leave fossils? Learn about this fascinating process and see pictures of types of fossils.

B. Found any interesting fossils lately? Fossil ID offers pictures and information that will guide you as you try to identify the likely source of the fossil.

C. www. Our site shows many photographs of different types of fossils from around the world. See beautiful, color photos of plant and animal fossils in rock.

A. Did you know that both plants and animals can leave fossils? Learn about this fascinating process and see pictures of types of fossils.


Read the passage below then answer the question.

1)Rainforests are extremely important in the ecology of the Earth. 2)They cover about 7% of the Earth's surface and are havens for millions of plants and animals. 3)The plants of the rainforests generate much of the Earth's oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 4)There are many types of tropical rainforests in the world. 5)However these plants are also very important to people in other ways; many are used in new drugs that fight disease and illness.

Which sentence doesn’t belong?

4)There are many types of tropical rainforests in the world.
