High School Fun

When the police officer noticed his tires were punctured, he made the decision to _______ a civilian’s vehicle.

a. Commandeer

b. Atone

c. Contemptible

d. Ponderous

a. Commandeer


What is it called when a sentence or passage compares two unlike things using the words “like” or “as”? For example, she was a fast as a cheetah.

a. Epithet

b. Simile

c. Alliteration

d. Plot

b. Simile


What part of speech is the bolded word?

How many hot dogs did your friend eat yesterday?

a. Noun

b. Verb

c. Adjective

d. Adverb

b. Verb


What is the first stage of the writing process when a writer tries to brainstorm ideas and organize their thoughts?

a. First draft

b. Evaluation

c. Prewriting

d. Editing

c. Prewriting


How many kids does Mr. Bill have?



To _______ for racist actions in his youth, the billionaire established a scholarship fund for minority students attending his alma mater.

a. Atone

b. Avowal

c. Guile

d. Forebode

a. Atone


What does the word “theme” mean when studying literature?

a. A story’s lesson or underlying message

b. The sequence of events in the story

c. The traits of the main character

d. An intense moment between characters in the story

a. A story’s lesson or underlying message.


Chose the correct form of “it’s” or “its” to complete the sentence below.

The bicycle nearly slipped_______ chain.

a. Its

b. Its’

c. It’s

d. It

a. Its


Upon completing a first draft, what happens when the writer shares their work with another for peer review?

a. Evaluation

b. Prewriting

c. Publication

d. Final Draft

a. Evaluation


What is the 4th covenant at IDLC?

Be Reflective


18. With her allure, she is even fooling the foreign diplomats through her _______ appearance.

a. Cordial

b. Ponderous

c. Beguiling

d. Prodigious

c. Beguiling


What is it called when a character or story line is like other characters or story lines throughout history? For example, characters like the damsel in distress, the brave hero and the wise mentor frequently appear in stories both old and new.

a. Archetype

b. Theme

c. Dialogue

d. Character Traits

a. Archetype


Select the correct homophone.

My house is bigger _______ yours.

a. Then

b. Than

b. Than


What is one way a writer can support their argument or claim?

a. Cite evidence

b. Thesis

c. Rebuttal

d. Topic Sentence

a. Cite evidence


Who wrote The Odyssey?



Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.

Stanley tried to determine the meaning of the vocabulary word, but there were so few clues in the sentence all he could do was hopelessly conjecture as to what the word might mean.

a. To form an opinion or belief based on incomplete information

b. To form a position using numerous primary or secondary sources

c. To speak loudly with confidence

d. To hope for knowledge from divine forces

a. To form an opinion or belief based on incomplete information


What can we learn when considering the author’s point of view?

a. The author’s mood when writing

b. The author’s choice of pacing when writing

c. The author’s timeline of events

d. The author’s opinion or purpose

d. The author’s opinion or purpose.


Choose the sentence which correctly uses the apostrophe to show ownership or possession. Make sure to check every apostrophe in the sentence. 

a. The students’ presentations were all more interesting than the instructors had expected.

b. The student’s presentations were all more interesting than the instructors had expected.

c. The students presentations were all more interesting than the instructors had expected.

d. The students presentations’ were all more interesting than the instructors had expected.

a. The students’ presentations were all more interesting than the instructors had expected.


What is it called when a writer refutes a counterclaim and restates their opinion to strengthen their argument?

a. Rebuttal

b. Thesis

c. Argument

d. Counterclai

a. Rebuttal


How old is Mr. Bill?



Use context clues to determine the meaning of the bolded word.

Janet disliked the servile students, the ones who were always volunteering to help the teacher grade papers or clean the board.

a. To have a high level of intellect

b. To have a large desire to serve or please others

c. To have little respect or compassion for others

d. To be loud and noisy

b. To have a large desire to serve or please others


9. What does the word “plot” mean when studying literature?

a. A story’s lesson or underlying message

b. The sequence of events in the story

c. The traits of the main character

d. An intense moment between characters in the story

b. The sequence of events in the story


What part of speech is the bolded word?

Stewart can speak Arabic very well because he lived in Egypt for a year.

a. Noun

b. Verb

c. Adjective

d. Adverb

d. Adverb


In argumentative writing, what is it called when a writer shows the other side?

a. Citing evidence

b. Rebuttal

c. Counterclaim

d. Thesis

c. Counterclaim


What city does Mr. Bill live in?

