Literary Elements
Figurative Language
Periods of Literature
Purposeful Writing
Famous Authors
An abstract idea, such as ambition, fear, family relationships that dominates a literary work.
What is theme?
Uses Direct and Indirect Methods to describe qualities of a person within a literary work.
What is characterization?
The Homeric or Heroic Period is part of this early period of literature stretching from 1200 BCE - 455 CE.
What is The Classical Time Period?
You provide details of a process by which your reader can accomplish something -- thanks to your guidance and prescriptions.
What is a "How To" article?
This author, born in Florida Missouri in 1835, is most famous for his Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn. His real name is Samuel Clemens.
Who is Mark Twain?
The figure whose personality traits are the opposite of the main character -- a supporting character and usually made to shine the protagonist.
What is a foil?
Describes the various classifications of literary works.
What is genre?
Rome fell, the "Dark Ages" occurred, and barbarian tribes moved into Europe during this literary time period covering 455 CE - 1485 CE.
What is The Medeival Period?
This is a book about the life of another person, often a person of accomplishment.
What is a biography?
This modern period writer wrote Grapes of Wrath and The Red Pony.
Who is John Steinbeck?
This narrative point of view is not a character in the story, but looks at things only through the eyes of a single character.
What is a limited narrator (External Subjective Narrator, 3rd person point of view)?
The position or positions from which a literary work is told to a reader.
What is point of view?
War of the Roses, Martin Luther's split, Queen Elizabeth saves England from Spanish Invasion, Shakespeare and John Milton write during this famous literary time period spanning c. 1485-1660 CE).
What is The Renaissance and Reformation?
This piece of literature leads us to a single truth, idea or insight, using literary devices and language to enhance impact and meaning. Often it uses sound strategies such as rhythm, repetition, rhyme, and onomatopoeia to make the work more memorable.
What is poetry?
This writer is a medical doctor, columnist, and television commentator working for The Weekly Standard and Fox News. He wrote a book entitled "Things That Matter."
Who is Charles Krauthammer?
The words spoken by the characters, usually to each other, not to the reader.
What is dialogue?
Also called the denouement, this is involving events that occur after the climax -- before the end of the story and explains.
What is resolution?
Elizabeth Browning, Alfred Lord Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Robert Browning and Charles Dickens wrote during this period marked by intellectual movements of Aestheticism and "the Decadance."
What is the Victorian Period?
You are writing about a subject that requires you to identify, use, acknowledge, sources in order to fully explain your subject or argue your position.
What is a research paper?
This author wrote The Great Gatsby.
Who is F. Scott Fitzgerald?
This element of literature refers to the author's mood and manner of expression in a work of literature.
What is tone?
How an author's choice of words and syntax makes her or his writing distinctive.
What is style?
T.S. Eliot, Morrison, Shaw, Beckett, Ginsberg, Pynchon and other modern writers followed by Langston Hughes, Sandra Cisneros, and Zora Neal Hurston all mark this literary period.
What is the Postmodern Period?
You evaluate a work of art -- possibly a book, short story, movie, or blog.
What is a review?
This author wrote Tuesdays With Morrie.
Who is Mitch Albom?