Figurative Language
ELA Vocabulary
ELA Questions

She is my ray of sunshine.

What is a metaphor?


The reader can infer what from the following: 

"The city of Ember was made for us long ago by the Builders,’ the book said. ‘It is the only light in the dark world. Beyond Ember, the darkness goes on forever in all directions." 

What is something catastrophic has happened in the outside world?


the time, place and location of a fictional text

What is setting?


The author uses this literary devices in the following sentence?  

The children sigh and sing, skip and swing the long summer days away.

What is Alliteration?


Facts or expert opinions that back up a reason or claim. 

What is evidence?


"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." -Muhammad Ali

What is a simile? 


This best describes the author's tone in the following passage:

I turned and looked at him, waiting.  What did he want now? I could feel my heart pounding. Something bitter and vile tasting was coming up in my mouth, as he approached. I was afraid I was going to be sick before he even got to me.

What is anxious/anxiety?


The attitude the writer expresses in a given portion of the text.

What is tone?


This literary device is used in the following sentence? 

For emphasis, Chuck balled his free hand into a fist the size of a ham and held it under my nose. 

What is hyperbole?


Writing that tries to sway its readers' feelings, beliefs, or actions. 

What is a persuasive text?


I'm happier than a pig in mud. 

What is an idiom?

The developing theme of the following passage:

But I began to see that I hadn't even begun to work. There were college players my age and younger who could blow me out of the room. All of them were intensely ambitious about making a career, and I finally realized a career is what I wanted too. At the same time, though, I began to feel I'd come to the realization too late... The big question wouldn't go away. Would I be good enough to make it? Could I make a living as a violinist?

What is it takes determination and a strong commitment to reach a goal in life? 


The characters and setting are introduced and the readers learn the major conflict.

What is the exposition? 


She tried her best to lift his spirits, but the boy remained inconsolable and sobbed quietly until he finally fell asleep.  Based on the sentence, this is what inconsolable means.  

What is unable to be comforted?


The way a character or writer views the world.

What is point of view/perspective?


"The trouble with anger is, it gets a hold over you. And then you aren't the master of yourself anymore. Anger is." (The City of Ember)

What is personification?


“Salva looked at the hollow eyes and the cracked lips of the men . . . and his own mouth felt so dry that he nearly choked when he tried to swallow.” 

Based on the passage, the reader can infer what about Salva.

What is Salva and the men are literally dying of thirst?  


The idea that recurs in the literature text; the central, unifying idea or message woven throughout the story.

What is theme?


The text structure of a piece of writing based on the writer telling a story of a boy who comes to the United States from Japan with his family and encounters bullying when he enters school. 

What is chronological?


Fiction that imagines a future in cataclysmic decline.

What is dystopian fiction?


"I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot, and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far."-from Old Times on the Mississippi by Mark Twain

What is hyperbole?


"I'm old enough to go on the Christmas hunt," I said. Incredibly, my father laughed.  "At ten?" he said. "I'm afraid not."  I stood, stricken. "But..." I said. "No," my father replied, in the tone that meant no and don't talk about it again.

According to the  passage, the author uses dialogue mainly to do what:

What is demonstrate different points of view?


This word has the strongest connotation of the four terms: 

jolly, upbeat, enraptured, cheerful

What is enraptured?


The text structure that fits an article written about an author's frustration with people using cell phones when driving. She believes if fines were increased to $1,000, people would stop picking up their phones when behind the wheel. 

What is Problem/Solution? 


The way poems are written in poetry.

What are stanzas?
