Jim and Bob have been best friends since they were young. They decide to open up an ice cream shop (the beginning)
comparisons using like or as
"the cold, dark, house"
The R stands for...
Restating the question
How many sentences make up a paragraph?
4 to 5 (6 if we're feeling bold)
Jim and Bob have an explosive fight about money for the ice cream shop, almost ending their friendship. (the height of conflict)
the author encouraging you to feel a certain emotion from the text
(POV) 'You wouldn't do that sort of thing if you were in charge.'
The A stands for...
answering the question
How many tickets would chips, a cookie and a capri sun add up to from the SOAR store?
(chips 3, cookies 1, capri sun 2)
Jim and Bob, after deciding to open an ice cream shop, realize they need to raise money to do so. (the build up in the story)
Rising action
6th: a story written from someone's memories, non-fiction
7th: a collection of lines within a poem builds a ____
6th: memoir
7th: stanza
"To me, the paragraph feels lonesome because the one character lost her best friend"
The C stands for...
Citing evidence
What does SOAR stand for?
Safe, Organized, Accountable and Respectful
Jim and Bob open their ice cream shop--it's a huge success! (Everything is solved, the story ends)
a category that writing can fit into.
character vs. character, character vs. nature, character vs. themselves
The E stands for...
Explaining your evidence
What's the sticker on the locker pass?
A shook hamster
Jim and Bob problem solve together on how to collect money from both their savings for the ice cream shop (the plot calms down towards the end)
Falling action
when an item or object represents something bigger than itself
The S stands for...
Summarizing your response!
When did Ms. Goughneour say she was going to begin grading notebooks AND what has to be on every warm up page?
Quarter 3 - the date with the response to your warm up