Figurative Language
Parts of a story
Context Clues

What type of figurative language is the phrase "My teddy bear gave me a hug"? Define that type of figurative language/how it's used.

What is personification? Personification gives human characteristics to an animal or object.


What occurs after the climax when the conflict is RESOLVED?

What is the resolution?


"Omg Jack your drumming was amazing! You rock!" Which definition of rock does this sentence use 1. solid material made from the Earth's surface or 2. your awesome/really cool.

What is definition 2?


Give 3 basic parts of an SCR.

What is the Claim, Justification/Reasoning, and evidence? (answers may vary)


Jack robs Max of his wallet which holds $400. What type of conflict is this and is it internal or external?

What is man vs man? What is external?


Compare and contrast the similarities and differences between a simile and a metaphor.

What is-- A simile compares things using "like or as" whereas a metaphor makes a direct comparison.


Is this an Ironic situation? Arturo doesn’t want to hang out with his grandfather at first, but when his time is up, he wishes that he could stay longer.

What is Irony?


How to pick out the claim. (Look-fors)

What is the topic sentence of your paper that presents the topic, affirms a stance about your position in relation to the topic and if asked, restates the question? (answers may vary)


Words like First, Second, Next, and Finally show what type of text structure?

What is chronological order?


What type of connotations are love, optimism, and peace?

What is a positive connotation?


What type of figurative language is a figure of speech in which human characteristics are given to an animal or an object? Give an example.

What is a hyperbole? (Answers vary-- ex: I have one million frogs under my bed)


In a story that takes place at school for 30 min, the park for 10 min, and the stadium for 29 minutes, what is the main setting?

What is school?


Make a conclusion about Danilo. Danilo was so hungry that for lunch he consumed three sandwiches and a quart of milk.

What is Danilo was hungry?


Alesia punches Jeremy and gets suspended for 2 days. What type of text structure does this show?

What is problem and solution?


Simone gives a summary of a story about an old man who wears sandals and falls off a cliff, what is least relevant to the summary of this story?

What is wearing sandals?


"Chocolate cake is my Achilles heel" uses what method of figurative language?

What is an allusion?


Difference between tone and mood.

What is-- The TONE is the feeling or the atmosphere that the author has set in his story, while the MOOD is the feeling or the atmosphere that the reader gets. 


Whether the evidence is relevant or irrelevant in a story.

What is-- evidence is relevant if reasonable inferences can be drawn that relate to the story and vice versa?


Because Jeremy got rich, he spent all his money on a race car track. What type of text structure does this show?

What are cause and effect?

Hailey Putin struggles with chronic depression, what type of conflict is this? Is it internal or external?

What is man vs self? What is internal?


"So many frogs, so few princes" is an example of what type of figurative language? Define this type of figurative language/how it is used.

What is an idiom? An expression whose meaning is not predictable from the usual meanings of the actual words. 


How does dialogue interact with irony?

Dialogue interacts with irony because usually humor is created when people talk and have interactions with each other.


Context clues definition.

What is (answers may vary) hints found within writing that a reader can use to decipher the meanings of words, themes, sentences, etc.


Hailey Bieber and Selena Gomez's dress was the same color and style but Selena's dress matched her shape 10x better. What text structure does this show?

What is comparing and contrasting?


What is a theme? What is one theme from the story Romeo and Juliet? (Must answer both parts)

What is the life lesson or moral of the story? What is (answers may vary-- ex: Fate versus free will.) 
